NEWS Dahir Alasow Report On The Clan Make Up Of Farmajo Special Forces


Maxay yihiin Ciidanka Gorgor, beelaha ugu badanse waa kuwee ?



Ciidanka Gorgor ee fuliyay weeraradi ka dhanka ahaa madaxweynayaashi hore iyo shacabka muqdisho ee banaanbaxayaaasha ahaa waxay tiradoodu gaareysaa 2500 waxaana la qoray oo la ciidameeyay inta uu xilka haayay Maxamed farmaajo ( 8 feb 2017- 8 feb 2021) waxaana tababaray qalabeeyay Dowlada Turkiga oo hadafkeedu ahaa in ay Soomaliya u dhisto ciidan taya leh lkn nasiib daro ay noqdeen kuwa lagu duminaayo Somaliya oo lagu baabi’inaayo rajadi yareed ee Somaliya laheyd.

Beelaha ay kasoo jeedaan

Beelaha ay kasoo jeedaan Ciidankaan waa:
  1. Mareexaan 1300
  2. Dhulmahante 400
  3. Biyamaal 250
  4. Madow 150
  5. Raxanweyn 130
  6. Hawiye 93
  7. Darodka yaryar 81
    7 beelaha kale 67
Sidee loo diyaariyay ciidankaan waasa maxay xeelada la adeegsaday?

September 2017 Waxaa loomagacaabay xarunta tababarada ee Turksom sargaal dhulmahante ah waxaana ku xigeen looga dhigay sargaal kasoo jeeda beesha Biyamaal, Waxaa saraakiisha Turkida laga dhaadhiciyay in Taliska NISA ay fitin kusoo sameeyaan ciidamada cusub ee la qoraayo oo ay soo hubiyaan maadaama xaalad argagixiso ay Dalka ka jirto, waxaa Abdulahi kulane oo ka shaqeeya NISA diyaariyay foomam laga buuxinayay askarta cusub ee la qoraayay oo ay ku qoranyihiin askeriga cusub magaciisa, Da’diisa,Gobalka uu kasoo jeedo iyo Qabiilkiisa.

Askarta cusub ee kasoo jeeday beelaha Mariixaan iyo dhulmahante waxaa lagu sii wargeliyay in ay sheegtaan marka foomka laga buuxinaayo beela kale sida Hawiyaha iyo Raxanweynta sidaas ayayna yeeleen.

Hadaba marka aad tagto xafiiska Ciidanka xooga Dalka oo aad fiiriso galka feelka ciidaka gorgor waxaad arkeysaa in ay yihiin beela kala duwan lkn xaqiiqadu waa in ay yihiin shaxda kor kuxusan oo aan soo sbeegnay


Waxaa muuqaneysa in farmaajo dhistay ciidan qabiil ah kuna talagalay in uu xoog qabyaaladeysan Xamar & deeganada kale ee koofurta uu ku heysto wixi kasoo horjeedana uu si isir dagaal ah ula dhaqmo ee Somaaliyay hala tashto gaar ahaan reer muqdishow tashta, maanta tiradoodu waa 2000 ee iska xureeya inti iyagoo 20000 ah aad ku qasbanaan laheydeen in aad la dagaalantaan oo aad ku baaba’daan.

Col Cismaan Dahir Nuur

Sarkaal ka tirsan xarunta Tababarka Turksom.


I love to find out clan make up of topics, it really exposes 'data' about inclusivity and fairness, it's obviously not fair how the make up is right now, especially since the forces should be made up of federal member states.


@PuntiteQueen I told u how farmajo special forces is small number, the bulk of the SNA is hag with a special units of farmajo are marehan/dhulos. If a war breaks out, the special forces are last line of defence not the front line which is all hag and iyaga isku babacayo markeedi hore. The special forces go into units supporting the front line lakin maydka badana waxay noqonaysa front line soldier as his training is to do small tasks in the military, they will protect marehan special forces basically since dhaqaale iyo taba bar gaar ah bala siiyay.
@PuntiteQueen I told u how farmajo special forces is small number, the bulk of the SNA is hag with a special units of farmajo are marehan/dhulos. If a war breaks out, the special forces are last line of defence not the front line which is all hag and iyaga isku babacayo markeedi hore. The special forces go into units supporting the front line lakin maydka badana waxay noqonaysa front line soldier as his training is to do small tasks in the military, they will protect marehan special forces basically since dhaqaale iyo taba bar gaar ah bala siiyay.

Farmaajo is an obvious qabiilist, he surrounds himself with Marehan soldiers and of course, his reer Abti, Dhulbahante. But those 2 clans will not keep him safe in Mogadishu. Ruwaayad weeye :mjlol:

The opposition is showing great restraint, if they really wanted to take him out, they would. Mogadishu is in the (Opposition-Hawiye heartland). I laugh at anyone who thinks they can dictate anything to people whilst living in their heartland aka "completely surrounded". It just shows how deranged Farmajo is.
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It’s best not to clanize the armed forces, they are there for every citizen in Somalia. Let us spare them from the destructive qabiil base fadhiKD. They will continue to improve and one day soon will become one of the most elite and most revered soldiers in the world, where every Somali kid would aspire to join their ranks :)


Somali, is a race
Gaalka adari joogo knows mx arent going to defend him, they'll abandon him before the second bullet is fired. Dhulos will most likely lay their laangaab lives for him, but they are outnumbered so most likely will loose.


Oh shit is this dahir alasow report? damnnnnnn idilnews has let me down, but I am certain marehan soldiers are there especially his close bodyguards

