Daily dose of Akafi Ali

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
They've been taking your moos during lunch?! Bullied you off the court? Miskeen, no one should get his moos xooged off them:mjcry:

mathows learned not to mess with Somalis.We are not like pussy ass UK where everyone takes turns on the weak Mali’s. If they touch a Somali they can expect to get jumped by 30 people. We did good.
I was raised in the jungles. You Europeans and Canadians don’t know what it’s like being around AA’s. In your countries you have calm polite black africans. In America it’s complete opposite. I got my first gun at 22 I can’t take a chance around these crazy cadaans and dirty mathows
Why don't you move to a better jungle? #NotAllJungles :mjlaugh: :yacadiim: :mjlaugh: :hillarybiz:

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
Why don't you move to a better jungle? #NotAllJungles :mjlaugh: :yacadiim: :mjlaugh: :hillarybiz:

America is a jungle. Only the strong survive. I like it though the alternative is chilling in Londonistan in a dirac with a feminine sounding voice making gay videos. Too many moist niggas in UK that have done this. Why would I go from big spacious America to small cramped and ugly UK that doesn’t even have AC?
mathows learned not to mess with Somalis.We are not like pussy ass UK where everyone takes turns on the weak Mali’s. If they touch a Somali they can expect to get jumped by 30 people. We did good.

I can't speak for others but reer Henny don't get bullied by no madow, Sanjeet, lingling or cadaan.....either way they got you shook to the point you need to walk with xabad :francis:
America is a jungle. Only the strong survive. I like it though the alternative is chilling in Londonistan in a dirac with a feminine sounding voice making gay videos. Too many moist niggas in UK that have done this. Why would I go from big spacious America to small cramped and ugly UK that doesn’t even have AC?
I'm not from London but it isn't bad most ppl r busy minding their business. Noone disturbs u , no1 talks on the tube, it's nice and quiet in public places apart from when crackheads get in.

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
I can't speak for others but reer Henny don't get bullied by no madow, Sanjeet, lingling or cadaan.....either way they got you shook to the point you need to walk with xabad :francis:

Toronto had no black population before Somalis. Somalis and Jamaicans. Why do you think gang culture is rather new in Canada? For Canada’s entire existance pre 2010 it was known as a place full of pussys and soft asf. Today it’s still a very safe place compared to most places in America. Ain’t nobody got me shook if you’re shook you move if you’re with the smoke you get a gun and stay 10 toes down


♤Humble Beast♤
Toronto had no black population before Somalis. Somalis and Jamaicans. Why do you think gang culture is rather new in Canada? For Canada’s entire existance pre 2010 it was known as a place full of pussys and soft asf. Today it’s still a very safe place compared to most places in America. Ain’t nobody got me shook if you’re shook you move if you’re with the smoke you get a gun and stay 10 toes down
How old are you?
Toronto had no black population before Somalis. Somalis and Jamaicans. Why do you think gang culture is rather new in Canada? For Canada’s entire existance pre 2010 it was known as a place full of pussys and soft asf. Today it’s still a very safe place compared to most places in America. Ain’t nobody got me shook if you’re shook you move if you’re with the smoke you get a gun and stay 10 toes down
No need to brag about who has it harder, do better for yourself and take care of yourself walaal

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
No need to brag about who has it harder, do better for yourself and take care of yourself walaal

yeah that’s all I was saying from the beginning but you man wanted to drag it so I had to explain to you that you come from a soft ass place lol. Count it as a blessing sxb
yeah that’s all I was saying from the beginning but you man wanted to drag it so I had to explain to you that you come from a soft ass place lol. Count it as a blessing sxb
All of america aint the same some places are more similar to Canada while others like the Jungles of Congo

