Damn Mogadishu looking fine

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
So, doesn't mean we can't make love to Reer xamar ladies :manny:
Yeaaah, I support everythin' Faysal says, Reer xamar are not to be trusted.
If you call making love by blowing them up into smithereens as a sacrifice for your ictiraaf deity then yes you've been doing a lot of that lately.


I wonder why Lander guys don't go to Mogadishu and marry the women there? Marriage is practically very cheap there
compared to Sland. Mogadishu girls love popping out kids in the 10s, so it is good for us.

I've been to Xamar and believe me there are plenty of Isaaqs there


To be honest, Mogadishu isn't as bad as it was some years ago. The city is absolutely beautiful and I wish I could go back even though I have only been there once and it was recently. The people there are some of the nicest I've come across and the street life is always so lively. There's electricity and running water. The only two problems I saw, are the sewage system (even though it's progressing right now) and the terrorattacks.


Het beste uitzicht
You stupid Laangaab johnson, thats not rational, its Stockholm syndrome. Why praise people who deny your whole existence :mjlol:
Mogadisho in the 80s had better architecture than Arab countries and that's when Arabs were living in tents in the dessert.
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