DAMN: Not Safe for Work. Up close shooting of that African American with a gun

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
It doesn't fucking matter you dont shoot someone whos contained on the ground its pure execution theres videos of it for proof. What happen to cops body cam? All of sudden it wasnt working during the incident ? Also the cops tried to take the security footage from the store owner without a warrant that should you tell you alot.
It doesn't fucking matter you dont shoot someone whos contained on the ground its pure execution theres videos of it for proof. What happen to cops body cam? All of sudden it wasnt working during the incident ? Also the cops tried to take the security footage from the store owner without a warrant that should you tell you alot.
You know them cops,

"battery died":diddyswag:
I think this pic is appropriate for this


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I think The big problem with cops in the US is they take any little amount of resisting as a free pass to do anything you want and they got the law on their side in that case

This was a execution though
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