Damul jadiid war on PL is inevitable

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

@3.15 Galnusmudug president said 'we are ready to participate in peace talks without any conditions'. Thats not how a winner speaks. He didn't release any statement when his militia shelled civilian areas 7 days ago but is willing to talk when they were driven out of the city. After losing Galkacyo Galnudmudug will be Galrubucmudug
I remember when HAG were fighting in Shilaabo with Liyu Polis.
They amassed every bodied person from hutudom and claimmed a susb subclan of HG ayanle xoolo daqato was fighting the ruthless Liyu polis in Dusamareeb.The war continued for 6 days and the hutus were celebrating that they had severly karbashed Liyu Polis they even posted pics of Ethiopian dead soilders who died during the Ethio-Eri war in the trench and claimmed it was Liyu Polis.They did infact were so happy that when Liyu Polis karbashed them and showed real evidence of how Ceyr were annihilated. They started claimmming that Liyu Polis had massacred school children and there calacal become even more they started playing the victim card. Wanala xasuuqey.

I am with PL on this issue.Hope PL has zero tolerance policy on this damjadiid dogs.
From Kismaayo to Marka to Shilaabo to now Galkacyo.
Wa in qashinka lagu daraa wixi dhiig yacab.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

PL officials giving statements inside baraxley and saying to reer baraxley come back

Is this dude even reer mudug? 'ayaan daro waaye'. :dead:
I think its time we changed our ways. So many qabils have problems and issues with us. We cant always be right. but cross eyed gaas will be the safest person whilst innocent people will de. After his term is up, he will head back to the US.
DEG DEG AH:Ra’isulwasare CCC Sharmake iyo Shariif Xasan oo isku diyaarada u Raacay Magaalada ……..
Nov 29, 2015 - Aragtiyood

Wararka aan ka helayno Magaalada Gaalkacayo ayaa sheegay in goordhaw ay halkaas ka dageen,Ra’iisulwasaraha Soomaaliya iyo wafdii uu hogaaminayao,oo uu kamid yahay Madaxwaynaha Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya Sh Xasan Sh Aadan.

Ra’iisulwasare cumar ayaa garoonka Magaalada Gaalkacayo ka sheegay in Colaada Gaalkacayo ay tahay mid Soomaalida iyo Madaxdeeda laga doonayo In ay si wada jir ah u xaliyaan,wuxuuna sheegay in halkaas uu u tagay sidii Colaadaas xal waara looga gaadhi lahaa,Ra’iisulwasare cumar ayaa markale ku celuyey in Socdaalkiisii hore iyo kan maanta ay wada daaranyihiin dib u soo celinta Nabadii Magaalada Gaalkacayo.

Wafdigan oo ka duulay Magaalada Muqdisho,ayaa waxaa ka sii horeeyey oo magaalada Garowe ka dagay Madaxwaynaha Maamulka Jubbaland iyow afdigii Magaalada Kismaayo ka duulay,Madaxwaynaha Maamulka Jubbaland ayaa dib oogu laaban doono Magaalada Gaalkacayo kadib Marka ay is arkaan Madaxwayne Gaas.
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