Daniel Haqiqatjou: What's your take on the guy

Niggas can make mistakes. It happens too the best of us I'll let it slide.
Nope, especially when those that warned him and saw the writing on the wall were mocked and disrespected.

No Muslim woman should let this slide. He believed Andrew because whilst Andrew is a sex trafficker who glorified Zina and would often have a God complex by calling himself 'Lord' he let it slide because they share the same ideology but packaged differently.

You simply can't call yourself a traditionalist and make constant excuses for behaviours Andrew has never tried hide, like never. Many Muslim men knew this man was a sex trafficker and they're ok with it and now they're crying because that man decided to know disrespect Muslim Arab and Asian men.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Hes a refreshment and what we need in the West he never comprises his principles and never cow tows to feminism.
He’s a very unhealed guy who was never brave enough to deal with the grief of losing his sister so he puts on a macho persona to assuage the guilt he feels.
I can't stand him. He attacks everyone, even actual scholars. He isn't anti-feminist, he's anti-women. His takes are garbage and he begs it with right wingers.

Any man that is a DH fan should be avoided and isn't marriage material. This guy tried to normalize virginity testing and started bashing Sh. Assim Al Hakeem for saying it's haram. He believes that women that go to uni are going to fall in only fans and i've hardly ever seen him say anything positive about women. He was also doing overtime defending Andrew Tate and making tafkir on Muslim women who opposed him.
absolutely agree i dont like him for beefing with muslim scholars. he should judge laymen instead like himself

nvm i learned hes an actual scholar
absolutely agree i dont like him for beefing with muslim scholars. he should judge laymen instead like himself

nvm i learned hes an actual scholar
He's critiques aren't 10 minute nit-pick videos. It's 2hr long dissection of their issues.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
he has issues but a lot of his criticism of liberalism is on-point. but to me he's a mixed bag. he also has very serious issues. I enjoy some of his work against liberals but I think people should not rely on him or base their understanding of Islam on him.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Rides Iran’s too hard

this is one issue. one thing that kind of annoys me is how people portray him as a crypto shia, as though he secretly is still a shia and that's why he promotes Iranian interests.

why can't we just consider that maybe- that DH is not some post-racial liberal person, that DH is not a Shia- he's just a racially conscious Persian and so he will do pro-Iran things for motives to do with race, not that he's a shia.

There is a clear redpill to white supremacy pipeline. Its clear to see for everyone. Every single Muslim redpiller flirts with right wingers. It's a right of passage.

I quote this because- I really suspect that DH actually views himself as a white person. I don't really know Iranians and I don't know their culture- and I'm not accusing all Iranians of this but I think many Iranians view themselves as white people. Thus, when white supremacists start demonizing "brown Muslims" (I mean as well non-white Muslims in general).... I don't think white-identifying Iranians, I don't think they feel that they are being attacked racially. If they are Sunni then maybe they take offense on a religious ground but they don't feel attacked in terms of their race.

I think people should be aware of this if this is true. Because people who view themselves as white and who identify much with that identitiy... it may be that they lack sufficient concern with fellow Muslims because they don't really identify with their fellow Muslims as they should.

DH needs to remove any red pill stuff, be a little or a lot less influenced by internet culture and he definitely needs to not bring white nationalist stuff into his... dawah. because I do think he seems to see himself as white.

I indeed am appealing to race because I think it's legitimate here. Most of us Muslims are visibly not white. If the Tommy Robinson people had their way, we'd all be persecuted for our religion and our race- whether we are red pillers, feminists, or neither- thus I think Muslims should be able to close ranks on this, this is an issue to do with everyone's personal safety, that we should not accept buddy-buddy relationships with the Tommy Robinson type elements.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
this is an issue to do with everyone's personal safety, that we should not accept buddy-buddy relationships with the Tommy Robinson type elements.

I think of course this actually applies much more to Andrew Tate than to DH. Andrew Tate is a flagrant violator of what I've mentioned and is a serious problem. gender wars have gone on since I'm sure the days of the ancient Romans and earlier. but Andrew Tate seriously crossed a line by endangering physical safety of Muslims and helping kaffirs against Muslims, kaffirs out to physically harm Muslims.

DH might not have betrayed Muslims as flagrantly as Andrew Tate but in a milder way he is sort of similar as he has overly leaned towards those white nationalist elements.

(also btw, new reverts whatever their previous life are entitled to benefit of the doubt- I gave Tate the benefit of the doubt for like two seconds but very quickly after his alleged conversion I became convinced he's a freemason and I've been saying this for a long time that I think he's a freemason... frankly I suspect the same thing of DH, MH, Ali Dawah... Sneako I definitely think is a freemason... I suspect all of these are actually freemasons but I think the reality of just how deep and broad the freemasonic infiltration of society is, I think it is too much for people to accept, so they are not ready for the full truth of the matter... I personally think this online dawah scene is actually just run by freemasons... and that these online dawah scenes with strange and dubious characters are not really part of Islam and we should actually follow scholars instead... also freemasons are constantly looking to infiltrate religions... they might actually give you a free Quran, a free Bible, they might build you a masjid or a church, they may genuinely do things like genuinely teach you something about the religion you want to study... but they do it with the end that they gain control over you... so a freemason trying to infiltrate Islam may do genuinely pro-Islam things... they may tell you true things, they may expose things... but even those actions can be part of a freemason's agenda)
this is one issue. one thing that kind of annoys me is how people portray him as a crypto shia, as though he secretly is still a shia and that's why he promotes Iranian interests.

why can't we just consider that maybe- that DH is not some post-racial liberal person, that DH is not a Shia- he's just a racially conscious Persian and so he will do pro-Iran things for motives to do with race, not that he's a shia.

I quote this because- I really suspect that DH actually views himself as a white person. I don't really know Iranians and I don't know their culture- and I'm not accusing all Iranians of this but I think many Iranians view themselves as white people. Thus, when white supremacists start demonizing "brown Muslims" (I mean as well non-white Muslims in general).... I don't think white-identifying Iranians, I don't think they feel that they are being attacked racially. If they are Sunni then maybe they take offense on a religious ground but they don't feel attacked in terms of their race.

I think people should be aware of this if this is true. Because people who view themselves as white and who identify much with that identitiy... it may be that they lack sufficient concern with fellow Muslims because they don't really identify with their fellow Muslims as they should.

DH needs to remove any red pill stuff, be a little or a lot less influenced by internet culture and he definitely needs to not bring white nationalist stuff into his... dawah. because I do think he seems to see himself as white.

I indeed am appealing to race because I think it's legitimate here. Most of us Muslims are visibly not white. If the Tommy Robinson people had their way, we'd all be persecuted for our religion and our race- whether we are red pillers, feminists, or neither- thus I think Muslims should be able to close ranks on this, this is an issue to do with everyone's personal safety, that we should not accept buddy-buddy relationships with the Tommy Robinson type elements.
DH looks white. I’m surprised he’s an Iranian.

The buddy buddy relationship is dumb if you actually value Muslim women. It’s us who will have our head kicked in as we’re visibly Muslim. I’ve had my hijab pulled off and spat at. No One is doing that to the Andrew Tate type of Muslims which is why he couldn’t care about inciting violence.
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DH looks white. I’m surprised he’s an Iranian.

The buddy buddy relationship is dumb if you actually value Muslim women. It’s us who will have our head kicked in as we’re visibly Muslim. I’ve had my hijab pulled off and spat at. No One is doing that to the Andrew Tate type of Muslims which is why he couldn’t care about inciting violence.
Where did this happen to you? Uk?
@Omar del Sur

Just to be clear and fair to DH advocated for Muslims in the Uk Muslims to ally with the likes of white nationalists like Nick Fuentes and Keith Woods, not Tommy. His reasoning was that Muslims should ally with these individuals because they are anti Zionist and have some legitimate concerns about immigration and can find common ground with Muslims. He asked Andrew Tate to appear on his show to discuss these issues.

His politics re the UK was insensitive and it showed a lack of education on the issues and what the agenda behind the rioting was.

I also had a suspicion that his white-passing Iranian background sometimes makes him slightly oblivious to the threat the white nationalists pose. I remember he visited the UK once and he was asking why there was areas with large Muslim or Asian/Arab majorities in the Uk and no sign of white British. A lot of that has to do with Muslims/blacks being attacked when they arrived, and hence congregating in safe areas, with the whites choosing to move out when the ethnic minorities increased. I think that was difficult for him to understand as an American and also coming from a liberal Iranian family where they never faced any prejudice for being visibly Muslim.
The man is based I like his ideas and the way he presents them, him and Jack are two of the best defenders of Islam from within and from without.