@Warsame The Strategist
View attachment 155432
Purchased it! I'll keep you guys updated.
@Warsame The Strategist
View attachment 155432
Purchased it! I'll keep you guys updated.
Exactly my question probably gonna buy it tooQuick question, when I get the results can I post them onto the Family Tree DNA Somali database or will the results remain on the Dante Labs website?
@Warsame The Strategist
View attachment 155432
Purchased it! I'll keep you guys updated.
Quick question, when I get the results can I post them onto the Family Tree DNA Somali database or will the results remain on the Dante Labs website?
Quick question, when I get the results can I post them onto the Family Tree DNA Somali database or will the results remain on the Dante Labs website?
What is your subclan if you don't mind me asking?
Please get another distantly related Samaron to order the kit too so we can have an idea when the clan formed.
First time, its good to get on YFULL for like jablibax did. They will place you
with your Somali Group.
If you and Awbarre are planning on conducting tests, it is best to test further up the tree, no point in testing Adan Yonis and Nur Yonis individuals etc. Makahil and Habar Cafan etc. are more appropriate as these are older lineages closer to the founding of the Samaron clan.
Apollo is making an incorrect assumption in the post above. I never put forward a 'theory', individual Y111 test results have proven that the Samaron and Isaaq samples in FTDNA are closer to each other. The relationship between the three clans tested so far was accurately determined by the admins of the Haplogroup T group on FTDNA. It is not a 'theory' I ever put forward as this goes against our mythical clan folklore in that Surre are Maha Dir who should supposedly be closer to Isaaq than the Samaron.
Nonetheless, we are talking about a handful of Y111/YFull results, and as the genetic tree develops, we shall know more hopefully.
I'm Reer Ugaas subclan of Makaahil.
So I'll probably be representing the Makaahil subclan.
I'll try to get others from the clan to do it. I hope I can reach them on time (before the sale ends). I think finding a Mahad Case and Habar Afan individual would be an asset for comparison's sake. IA, I'll wait and see. I just ordered the test.
View attachment 155519
You will upload here after ur result completed https://www.yfull.com/Quick question, when I get the results can I post them onto the Family Tree DNA Somali database or will the results remain on the Dante Labs website?
The Makahil Samaron TMRCA is probably sorted due the efforts of you two!
Good luck in getting your siblings/father to donate some of their Cantuuf towards the Somali T cause.
What do they think about the probability of us descending from some 'Ayrab' Chad who sowed his wild oats on 'foreign' soil?
There is a MtDNA big Y, but not as big as YDNA.