Dating app.

I am on muzmatch. Paid almost 80 dollers and got nothing to show for it. No wife yet. I feel like I might never settle it just dawned on me lol. Something am finding hard to wrap my mind around. The women my family set me up with all dropped me like hot potatoes.

Are there other singletons who relate to my ordeal or its just me?


I am on muzmatch. Paid almost 80 dollers and got nothing to show for it. No wife yet. I feel like I might never settle it just dawned on me lol. Something am finding hard to wrap my mind around. The women my family set me up with all dropped me like hot potatoes.

Are there other singletons who relate to my ordeal or its just me?
Why did they drop you


6 foot barefoot
Alright dating coach maxaa noo haysaa
I'm not a dating coach i'm just saying people like OP need to become better looking

A list;
1. Mewing, to understand this you need to watch this;
How to do it;
Just keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth all the time, breath from your nose and keep a straight neck

2. Eating hard and beneficial foods;
Don't eat soft foods, and cut out carbohydrates completely from your diet
3. Sleep well;
Obv. you'll look hideous with bunch of eyebags, and more important than sleeping well is sleeping well AND early
4. Focus on yourself;
Know that girls aren't everything, and have a purpose king👑
Online dating doesn't work. trust me on this. Its just an ego boost for women. That hot chick you saw in the street if you spoke to her you can get her number. That same chick if you came across her online she'd ignore you. This doesn't benefit men it benefits women.
Just moisturize your skin get a cologne and wear a hat or shirt that matches your shoes get out there and meet them ladies.


𝕻𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓.
Online dating doesn't work. trust me on this. Its just an ego boost for women. That hot chick you saw in the street if you spoke to her you can get her number. That same chick if you came across her online she'd ignore you. This doesn't benefit men it benefits women.
Just moisturize your skin get a cologne and wear a hat or shirt that matches your shoes get out there and meet them ladies.
not true i found mine at


Flying over your heads
Online dating is a slippery slope. I've had great experiences and even more "not so good" experiences. I learnt alot about myself, what I want and where I'm fucking up for myself.

I've noticed that it always backfires on me when I pretend to be goody two shoes with all my shit together, which I'm not to a girl.

Either I will find her boring as hell or she will find me as a guy who's kinda crazy.
I had to embrace the fact that gabar wadaadad ain't for me.

It always backfires if I take anything a girl says personal. Everything she says is a joke but don't laugh all the time.

It backfires if I keep trying to initiate contact all the time.
Some girls have to be let go so that they can understand how they are fucking up for themselves.
Some girls are just too busy with other stuff
Or maybe the girl has better candidates in her dms.

The most important lessons to learn is

#1 A girl has minimum of 5 to 10 guys in her dms shooting their shot everyday. Even if she say she don't, don't believe that. You're not that special. You're only special to yourself.
This lesson is to humble yourself

#2 never take shit personal. You could have a great chemistry and she could just ghost on you outta nowhere. Just keep it moving. She might be busy or she might not f*ck with you like that. Either way, you shouldn't care since you're in other girls dms shooting your shot anyways.

#3 Stop being so damn entitled.
Stop attaching your ego to a woman and stop being so fuckin judgemental dammit.
Nothing dries a woman's pussy quicker than a nigga tryna lecture her that she should do this and that because that's what we're taught to do.
Stop using religion and culture to manipulate a woman to massage your ego.
That's weak shit and it turns a woman off.
She will quickly see that all you're looking for is a second mommy and that, in itself is pussy drying.

She needs to see that you don't need her at all however you enjoy her company and you enjoy to hear what's running thru her mind.
That's it.

They falling over themselves to talk to me yet just like you I honestly cant find a suitable one.