Day President Farmaajo lost in 2022.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Everyone believes their uncle is the best candidate for president when in reality most Somalis politicians are equivalent to middle management at some small business in the west. Those are the halfway decent ones, the rest aren't worthy of driving Uber.

The nation needs a shock to its system. A cultural revolution to set a new standard. A leader who wants to shape a nation and not just someone who focuses on the dusty region their qabil inhabits.
Elect this man honorable deni Somalia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด will turn to South Korea ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท of africa


Elect this man Somalia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด will turn to South Korea ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท of africa
Granted I do respect that Deni attempted to implement a 1m1v system and stepped away from it when he got push back. I'd like to see him push it through now that he's secure in power. I hate how it's used as a promise, make it happen and let's establish a new system.

If Deni was president I'd be interested to see what he does.


Its sad walhi i see so many dhulbahante suport farmajo walhi it makes me so sad ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Sometimes i ask my self why dhulbahante are politicaly naive walhi. Wasnt he when he was asked what do u think of ssc he said i cant answer becos its dificult question u know why becos hwanted to get isaaq votes .
The dude cares about him relected was even wiling r
To sell dhulbahante to isaaq yet so many dhulbahante suport. Him

Not a single marehan came to free ssc yet the dhulbahante love them. Even in America they settle.together in Columbus Ohio. When ssc was in its time of need only hiil harti was there not sade marehan.


lol at people who think any 1 individual will save an entire nation. I donโ€™t even understand why most of you guys living in the west care so much. Focus on making it where you are.
The reason we care is the image of Somalia has a direct effect on diaspora somalis image.
Not a single marehan came to free ssc yet the dhulbahante love them. Even in America they settle.together in Columbus Ohio. When ssc was in its time of need only hiil harti was there not sade marehan.
Don't be jealous don't you guys have the same with ogaden


The best candidate was Deni without a doubt. He has a proven track record with Puntland's development, would have finished the constitution, fought corruption, wouldn't have wasted his time fighting federalism as he isn't interested in becoming a dictator but instead he would have dedicated all his time in fighting Al Shabab.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Not a single marehan came to free ssc yet the dhulbahante love them. Even in America they settle.together in Columbus Ohio. When ssc was in its time of need only hiil harti was there not sade marehan.
Columbus Ohio is muse sultan city ๐Ÿ˜‚ is home of libaax-joore


Bro why is that dhulbahante have been mentaly hijacked by mareexan walee its one way love
Al Shabab control your lands and support them even tho u are president and control the FGS yet have the nerve to talk about mental hijacking. Farmaajo probably would have won in 1m1v because he was good at igu sawir and impressing the public, it is not clan related.


Elect this man honorable deni Somalia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด will turn to South Korea ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท of africa
:heh: ninyahow waxaan maa la imaatay? Webiga waa soo baqay adigana daadka maa ku qaaday ciyaalkaan yee kaa waalin

Tell me how can deni win an election? What is his motto? Farmaajo at least pulled the wadani card and did some ground work under Sheikh Sharif presidency. Sir uu watay adiga sirtaada xeey tahay?

There absolutely 0 chance of an majerteen winning presidential election in Muqdisho especially not dopey deni.


Al Shabab control your lands and support them even tho u are president and control the FGS yet have the nerve to talk about mental hijacking. Farmaajo probably would have won in 1m1v because he was good at igu sawir and impressing the public, it is not clan related.
I'm pretty sure during that whole farmaajo capitulation period you said you would get on a flight to xamar and fight for him :heh:

Saying to murusade your people support shabab and you are president is low when you yourself are a laangaab warsangeli. Speak to him directly ama afka naga qabso


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
:heh: ninyahow waxaan maa la imaatay? Webiga waa soo baqay adigana daadka maa ku qaaday ciyaalkaan yee kaa waalin

Tell me how can deni win an election? What is his motto? Farmaajo at least pulled the wadani card and did some ground work under Sheikh Sharif presidency. Sir uu watay adiga sirtaada xeey tahay?

There absolutely 0 chance of an majerteen winning presidential election in Muqdisho especially not dopey deni.
When honorable deni became president somalia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด will be rule from garoowe, eboow Mogadishu kugu ma hesto, 1/3 of somalia is Majerteeenia


He was softie for a savage country like Somalia. A softie but a good man who never stole. He took anything from Somalia.
A softie who attacked two ex presidents and 2 ex parliament speakers in the heart of the city nearly causing another civil war while clinging onto the presidency ๐Ÿ’€
He don't bite : r/memes
A softie who attacked two ex presidents and 2 ex parliament speakers in the heart of the city nearly causing another civil war while clinging onto the presidency ๐Ÿ’€
He don't bite : r/memes't bite : r/memes

Oh you mean the mooryans with boozakas and RPGs who said Mogadishu was their city and he didn't belong there. The mistake President Farmaajo made was not taking out the damul-jadiid one by one. He was too soft and honest for a.


Oh you mean the mooryans with boozakas and RPGs who said Mogadishu was their city and he didn't belong there. The mistake President Farmaajo made was not taking out the damul-jadiid one by one. He was too soft and honest for a.
The only mooryaan was the squatter in villa somalia. If there ever was a mistake it was not giving him the gaddafi treatment


Oh you mean the mooryans with boozakas and RPGs who said Mogadishu was their city and he didn't belong there. The mistake President Farmaajo made was not taking out the damul-jadiid one by one. He was too soft and honest for a.
some people are allegic to law and order. take up arms against the british government and watch them kill you.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Oh you mean the mooryans with boozakas and RPGs who said Mogadishu was their city and he didn't belong there. The mistake President Farmaajo made was not taking out the damul-jadiid one by one. He was too soft and honest for a.
They fired rockets inside the city on camera. The civilians were also disguised as AS with red calamad. If the security forces didnโ€™t do anything, this would be a failure on their part.

