Dear Somali men...


Nigga I don't care who you're smashing but when you it up for the camera and niggas start clowning Somalis thats when it becomes a nuisance :ohlord::trash:

This same thread has been posted like 80 times yall niggas need to come up wit new shit :stopit:
Nobody clowning somalis.. somalis need to learn to mind they own business just cos we from the same ethnicity dont mean we peoples

Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
Wtf are you talking about:draketf:
You said the best of us Somali men will offer nothing but loneliness and turning women into slaves.
View attachment 89677

How isn't that insulting to Somali men?:ayaanswag:
You basically said that the best of us are users and abusers. How is that not gender bashing?

I merely observed and delivered what I heard from sspot men. You can't deny some guys here talk about marriage like it is a power play.

Fyi, I don't really care about somali men FIXING themselves. I believe we, somali women should instead fix ourselves, by creating the lives we want for ourselves and choosing the men who have our best interest at heart.