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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Do you ever think about death? When death approaches me I don't want to be scared, I want to be ready. I also want to be remembered well. Thats's what I'm working on right now, my relationship with God and what I leave behind. My biggest fear is being condemned to eternal suffering when I die and being forgotten or leaving behind a bad legacy.
I have a nihilistic outlook on death. If it comes, it comes. Death the the gate to non-existence for me.
I think of death every night before I sleep. I don't fear death. I only fear Allah being displeased with me. Once you die you are in the hands of Allah and his angels who wrong none.
i don't fear death because to me its like sleeping. you just seize to exist. almost like you were never there. ever since i became an atheist I've been to two funerals (one family and one family friend) both times i wasn't sad and i didnt shed a single tear. maybe because i wasnt afraid of where they were (hell/heaven)? maybe because they were finally at peace in eternal slumber? idk if this is dark or fucked up but to me death means nothing. if i find out i have a terminal illness and will be dying in a few months id be sad because i want to accomplish many things, but if it was swift and i had a few moments to process it id be relived. I'm so fucked up lol.
The thought of just ceasing to exist depresses me at times. You thoughts and feelings being snuffed out in an instant, like when you go to sleep and you don't realise until you wake up, except you won't even wake up this time.

Sometimes I think of how vast the universe is and how insignificant humans are in comparison, your death wouldn't even cause a dent. You're barely a grain of rice in a bowl. I try not to think like that cause otherwise I feel claustrophobic lmao

Other than that I'm not really scared of death
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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
The thought of just ceasing to exist depresses me at times. You thoughts and feeling being snuffed out in an instant, like when you go to sleep and you don't realise until you wake up, except you won't even wake up this time.

Sometimes I think of how vast the universe is and how insignificant humans are in comparison, your death wouldn't even cause a dent. You're barely a grain of rice in a bowl. I try not to think like that cause otherwise I feel claustrophobic lmao

Other than that I'm not really scared of death
How can you athiests believe in death, but not God?

Do you think we're born and die for the sake of it?

Do you think everything around you exists for no reason?

How can you athiests believe in death, but not God?

Do you think we're born and die for the sake of it?

Do you think everything around you exists for no reason?


I mean death is death... You see it everywhere around where as god is a bit more tricky to define

I think life on earth was mostly a fluke, y'know big bang and all. Humans were just lucky enough to evolve past animal behaviour otherwise we'd be stuck in the same cycle as well. :hmm:

I'm of the opinion that you decide your own purpose in life. After all we're way past base animal instinct now. You can be whatever you wanna be


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I mean death is death... You see it everywhere around where as god is a bit more tricky to define

I think life on earth was mostly a fluke, y'know big bang and all. Humans were just lucky enough to evolve past animal behaviour otherwise we'd be stuck in the same cycle as well. :hmm:

I'm of the opinion that you decide your own purpose in life. After all we're way past base animal instinct now. You can be whatever you wanna be
So you believe we got caqli out of the blue after being animals? :cosbyhmm:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Is it fucked up to say I look forward to death? Life in general is a bag of shit.
So you believe we got caqli out of the blue after being animals? :cosbyhmm:

Lmao I guess. :dead: I'm not really a scientist haha I'm sure someone else would be able to explain it better.


Don't tell me the Neanderthals didn't look like braindead xoolo yet they miraculously figured out how to start a fire :damn:

In fact it's a good excuse to use whenever you see humans act like neef. Clearly they're exhibiting past cave men like traits kkkk


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Whoa chill sxb, life is what you make it.

Dunya is a prison for the believer, and I don't want to be a prisoner :manny:

And no that doesn't mean I rate suicide or whatever else, just gotta ride the wave till it comes
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