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Lmao I guess. :dead: I'm not really a scientist haha I'm sure someone else would be able to explain it better.

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Don't tell me the Neanderthals didn't look like braindead xoolo yet they miraculously figured out how to start a fire :damn:

In fact it's a good excuse to use whenever you see humans act like neef. Clearly they're exhibiting past cave men like traits kkkk
close, like our bodys evolved into the modern homo sapien our brains evolved too. if our brains remained the same we'd be no different from a modern day chimpanzee.
I just hope I die being fulfilled with my life. That I lived doing the things I wanted to do and had no regrets.

We can all die at any moment, cherish the time we have now because it can all go away in an instant.
Yes, you worded it better than I could

The danyeer r our noble distant ancestors :mjohreally:
According to evolution, danyeers and humans share a common ancestor so they are not your ancestors. Second, evolution says after the big bang, the universe expanded, it was hot due to hydrogen, starts were formed but no planets. After some stars died, carbon and some other atom were forced together, oceans formed, and in the oceans self replication of DNA begun(accidentally).:kanyehmm:. Then a single celled organism formed and it turned into a multi celled organism(these process are just happening randomly):mybusiness:. Some of them stayed in the sea, and one of them turned into a fish, then the fish went out of the sea(this nigga survived outside of water):mjkkk:. It turned into a reptile like creature, then into dinosaurs, then into other creatures, the into apes, then into humans. Yall believe this BS? :williamswtf: What a load of crap!
According to evolution, danyeers and humans share a common ancestor so they are not your ancestors. Second, evolution says after the big bang, the universe expanded, it was hot due to hydrogen, starts were formed but no planets. After some stars died, carbon and some other atom were forced together, oceans formed, and in the oceans self replication of DNA begun(accidentally).:kanyehmm:. Then a single celled organism formed and it turned into a multi celled organism(these process are just happening randomly):mybusiness:. Some of them stayed in the sea, and one of them turned into a fish, then the fish went out of the sea(this nigga survived outside of water):mjkkk:. It turned into a reptile like creature, then into dinosaurs, then into other creatures, the into apes, then into humans. Yall believe this BS? :williamswtf: What a load of crap!

Sounds good to me! Your summarised it so nicely as well :drakelaugh:

Also warya don't let me catch u disrespecting our great great great x1000 awowe :birdman:

Respect ur elders!
Anyways I only fear death because of the things that could happen if I die and find Allah is not pleased with me. If I had known that God wouldn't put me in hell or punish me in the grave, I wouldn't mind dying this second. So death itself is nothing to fear but what comes after.
Sounds good to me! Your summarised it so nicely as well :drakelaugh:

Also warya don't let me catch u disrespecting our great great great x1000 awowe :birdman:
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Respect ur elders!
Lol. Imagine humans learning how to breath in water and then over millions of years evolving into more intelligent creature who create unparalleled technology and civilization inside the seas?:cosbyhmm: how unlikely is that?


I've hoped it would go in the most boring way possible, and be fairly ready. I've thought about how it might affect others around me.

If you've ever seen a lifeless body, it's just so incomprehensible. It doesn't look like sleep. You know that they're not in there. You know it's just a shell. It's a numb feeling. The strangest thing. It all hits you later.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I fear death and the uncertainty of the hereafter.I also fear living a mediocre life, and not having an impact on the people around me so when they burry me, I was just another dead person they knew.
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