Guul ama Dhimasho
Was it in Hodan...?
Wait no, my mistake. It was Madina
I think it was Hodan after all.Different articles say Hodan and others say Madina and there were two bombs..
AUN to all the victims. Theres no way a bunch of uneducated bushmen can carry out such sophisticated attacks, there must be intelligent people working with al shabaab in the capital. Somalis should bring in foreign security experts.
Whoa, that's a massive explosion. I don't think i've seen one with that much damage before.
Subxanallah, these bastards are truly heartless. AUN again
Will Allah still forgive them even when some might have been living in looted homes?
Military grade chemical explosives were used. This is not just your average trained terrorist either. There is a foreign conspiracy against the Somali people.Indeed average Somali can't make bombs in his garden. Those are trained people.
Is it a coincidence this happened during the Gulf crises,Turkish bases being opened, etc.......The ports in Somaliland are owned by the UAE, this military grade explosive could of been imported through those ports. Is Farmaajo pro UAE or Qatar, if he's pro Qatar and Turkey its obvious who is responsible. Its seems we've imported Arab problems by taking sides in this confrontation.Military grade chemical explosives were used. This is not just your average trained terrorist either. There is a foreign conspiracy against the Somali people.