Deg Deg: Major exposure Dhulo FGS stooge Puntland “candidate” Ali Isse Abdi exposed

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Let’s be real, the only reason you made this topic is because he secured all 17 Dhulbahante MP votes yesterday and your qabyaalad cannot accept the idea of a non-Mohamoud Saleeban having a chance at winning Puntland’s presidency.
Dr Ali isse is becoming a threat fast. My prediction is the race is between him and Ali haji warsame. May the best win .:samwelcome:
Let’s be real, the only reason you made this thread is because he secured all 17 Dhulbahante MP votes yesterday and your qabyaalad cannot accept the idea of a non-Mohamoud Saleeban having a chance at winning Puntland’s presidency.

Has he actually secured all 17 MP votes though, I remember @Crow said that if Dhulbahante are going to have a chance they need to secure all 17, but they are usually split because of inner Dhulo politics, so not really a threat to the other candidates.

Man if Dr C.C.C wins, a man who is supported by the SFG, the 8th Jan is going to be an exciting day. SomaliSpot is going to be on FIIIIIIRRRRREEEE.


Has he actually secured all 17 MP votes though, I remember @Crow said that if Dhulbahante are going to have a chance they need to secure all 17, but they are usually split because of inner Dhulo politics, so not really a threat to the other candidates.

Man if Dr C.C.C wins, a man who is supported by the SFG, the 8th Jan is going to be an exciting day. SomaliSpot is going to be on FIIIIIIRRRRREEEE.
Yep, they’ve all agreed to give him their vote:
@Saalax Bidaar @Fiidmeer @Bohol @Qabille @Factz @Prince Abubu @R.Kelly @waraabe
This is who we're neighbours with, we need to get this SL business out the way so that we can complete the job we were assigned to do: Cagdheer footbreaking. Wallahi this is what happens when we forget to go discipline our Doqon cagdheer neighbours, wey nagu kibraan. We need to also punish all Isaaq who have Ogaden reer abti, because these niggas are a god damn liability. We are toooooooo soft on our reer abti, I hate that about Isaaq. A nigga hears a woman from his clan gave birth to another, he gets soft like custard.

We actually need to create a fortnightly holiday called "Foot snapping" for our kids. With every foot snapped, you hear a scream come forth from a Doqon that resembles the braying of a donkey: "Agah". insha'Allah it becomes a Somaliweyn holiday, where all Somalis take part :gunsmiley:. I'm sure it'll be a hit with the kids. Kid's will be screaming "Hooyo look there goes an Cagdheer, please can I snap his feet", Hooyo: "Haye Hooyo, laakiin Daqso".

The Doqon male like @Teeri-Alpha only knows a couple of phrases such as: "Agah agah", "Awoowga la gub" and "11door" the Somali group that he prays to become like but knows he'll never reach.

Teeriooow doqonyahow, don't worry I1door were the ones to teach you the diin, we'll also be the ones to teach you manners. Iga raali ahow my people were to focused on this SL shit show, we forgot about your schooling. We will be finished up soon lad, don't you worry.

However right now, you need to listen to the substitute teacher (@Sheikh @nine folk - The MX). I know, I know , they're a sub so you don't have to listen/behave :icon rolleyes:, but you do, because they've got permission to discipline you.

Wey noo tahay.:samwelcome:

:ileycry: my feet are size 12uk
Don't worry saaxiib, nin Isaaq baa tahay, it cancels out any Doqonimo that exists inside of you.

You might experience screaming "Agah agah" once in a blue moon though, just read Ayatul Kursi straight after it and you'll be fine. :pachah1::pachah1:

wallahi you are crazy,

1door (by the way only an Ogadne can call you 1door, i gave that name) and only and 1door can call me cagdheer, they gave us the name,

by the way the name caghdeer came about becasue a 1door female who was garoob got rid of the 1door husband and when the Ogaden gave her lots of babies was asked by her friend how are thye, she repledi with a big smile "waa Caghdeeer indeed these men"

anyays, landheers do not have cuqdad, i dont hate 1door, sadly i have lots of 1door blood if you go higher up,

if i was not muslim i would have done what hitler did to jews to many somali tribes including 1door, if i was in charge of an army like what umar jees and morgan did, in hargeysa,

but i do fear God,

Wait you are HY - Isxaaq Carre right? You might see Somalia as a brother thing because of the hate you have for SL and what it's based on(jeegaan/tribalism as you said before), but don't think it's different anywhere else. It's the same game, just more players

If you're going to join SNA, know there are people with @Teeri-Alpha 's mindset. Is ilaali walaal and show no naxariis for them, that's where our people are weak. They'll take advantage of that weakness (unity/Somalinimo that they themselves don't believe in and use as a front) and shoot you point blank.

I say, stay strapped/safe, and if shit kicks off like 91 know that you have to pop some niggas otherwise your gonna get a xabad in your ass.


𐒖 𐒚𐒒𐒘𐒂𐒗𐒆 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒈𐒂𐒇𐒙𐒒𐒌 𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂. PIM.
Let’s be real, the only reason you made this thread is because he secured all 17 Dhulbahante MP votes yesterday and your qabyaalad cannot accept the idea of a non-Mohamoud Saleeban having a chance at winning Puntland’s presidency.

Where do you think those 17 Dhulbahante votes will get him? LOL how about the other 49 non-Dhulbahante votes?

No one cares if all Dhulbahante vote for him or not. This traitor has zero chance of being elected President.
wallahi you are crazy,

1door (by the way only an Ogadne can call you 1door, i gave that name) and only and 1door can call me cagdheer, they gave us the name,

by the way the name caghdeer came about becasue a 1door female who was garoob got rid of the 1door husband and when the Ogaden gave her lots of babies was asked by her friend how are thye, she repledi with a big smile "waa Caghdeeer indeed these men"

anyays, landheers do not have cuqdad, i dont hate 1door, sadly i have lots of 1door blood if you go higher up,

if i was not muslim i would have done what hitler did to jews to many somali tribes including 1door, if i was in charge of an army like what umar jees and morgan did, in hargeysa,

but i do fear God,

Waar waa kaftan/FKD, I thought you were a vet don't take it personal? But like you've said in many of your posts, you care solely for OG, and will work solely for OG self-interest and you don't believe in the fake Somalinimo that Somalis push, Sax ama been baan kaa sheegay?

I too only wish for the best for my people because I know I can't trust an Cagdheer/other somali to look out for my self interest and I know you guys don't care for our safety/security anyway. Hence my views. No cuqdad, just self-preservation.

We agree on one thing, "fearing Allah". If it wasn't for the rule of spilling Muslim blood being xaraam. Let's just say that Cagdheer would be swimming in the Indian Ocean, and that I'd rename your peoples capital Godey, to Lafaha Doqonkii Cagdheer.

Macasalama Mr Terri Doqon Cagdheer, this was fun:friendhug:

P.S the Cagdheer nick is not complete without the Doqon.:damedamn:

Next time come in like James bond, "I am Cagdheer, Doqonkii Cagdheer".
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Where do you think those 17 Dhulbahante votes will get him? LOL how about the other 49 non-Dhulbahante votes?

No one cares if all Dhulbahante vote for him or not. This traitor has zero chance of being elected President.
17 MPs is 50 % of the votes needed to win the election (34). All he needs is another 17 MPs, which he can easily get from clans disenfranchised by the Mohamed Saleeban monopoly, and MPs who want a better relationship between Puntland and FGS(Dr Cali Cisse is against Puntland’s isolation).

Don’t undestimate him. He is easily the most qualified candidate and has a decent shot of winning.
17 MPs is 50 % of the votes needed to win the election (34). All he needs is another 17 MPs, which he can easily get from clans disenfranchised by the Mohamed Saleeban monopoly, and MPs who want a better relationship between Puntland and FGS(Dr Cali Cisse is against Puntland’s isolation).

Don’t undestimate him. He is easily the most qualified candidate and has a decent shot.
stop the cries about MS, if you wanted a non MS the 17 dhulos wouldn't have sided with faroole over warsangeli ilkajir.
Waar waa kaftan/FKD, I thought you were a vet don't take it personal? But like you've said in many of your posts, you care solely for OG, and will work solely for OG self-interest and you don't believe in the fake Somalinimo that Somalis push, Sax ama been baan kaa sheegay?

I too only wish for the best for my people because I know I can't trust an Cagdheer to look out for my self interest and I know you guys don't care for our safety/security anyway. Hence my views.

We agree on one thing, "fearing Allah". If it wasn't for the rule of spilling Muslim blood being xaraam. Let's just say that Cagdheer would be swimming in the Indian Ocean, and that I'd rename your peoples capital Godey, to Lafaha Cagdheer.

Macasalama Mr Terri Doqon Cagdheer, this was fun:friendhug:

P.S the Cagdheer nick is not complete without the Doqon.

Next time come in like James bond, "I am Cagdheer, Doqonkii Cagdheer".

the 1door name is not comlete with out xooolihi 1door,

funny we already have lafa ruug, where 1doors were sent to hell when they thought they can come in with british 10,000 rifles, we sent them to hell,

1door waa xoolo with cuqdad, kualha we would be swimming in indian conea, yet he lives in a dusty triangle where garisa county is bigger, heck even lower juba has more people,

your people are under my command in DDSI regadless of what happens, you still live under me even when i am at war with 100 million habashi, always the presdeint waa me, me me, your ruler on earth,

low IQ xoolo 1door, why is there so much cuqdad horta from your clan, even in the mosque they bring up qabiil,

if yuor so smart farmajo would not be sakcing the habashi diplamtic team in hargeysa and sending them packing whilst he needs uganddis boyfreinds to go to the toilet, heheheheh

f******* xoolo 1door,

if it was not for Ogaden and sayidka today you would be gaalo eating pork, not only did Ogaden rule you since 10,000 Bc but saved your souls from hell as you would have become christian,

sucking Ogaden feets and die,

when i brought an 11door girl home, my family were like, sorry son, no midgaans at home,

you were saiydks servants and slaves,


17 MPs is 50 % of the votes needed to win the election (34). All he needs is another 17 MPs, which he can easily get from clans disenfranchised by the Mohamed Saleeban monopoly, and MPs who want a better relationship between Puntland and FGS(Dr Cali Cisse is against Puntland’s isolation).

Don’t undestimate him. He is easily the most qualified candidate and has a decent shot of winning.

There is no MS tyranny only in the eyes of people who were never really part of PL to begin with. Once your stooge loses on the 8th you can go back to being pro SL or Khaatumo (if it even exists?) and leave PL politics to actual Puntites.
the 1door name is not comlete with out xooolihi 1door,

funny we already have lafa ruug, where 1doors were sent to hell when they thought they can come in with british 10,000 rifles, we sent them to hell,

1door waa xoolo with cuqdad, kualha we would be swimming in indian conea, yet he lives in a dusty triangle where garisa county is bigger, heck even lower juba has more people,

your people are under my command in DDSI regadless of what happens, you still live under me even when i am at war with 100 million habashi, always the presdeint waa me, me me, your ruler on earth,

low IQ xoolo 1door, why is there so much cuqdad horta from your clan, even in the mosque they bring up qabiil,

if yuor so smart farmajo would not be sakcing the habashi diplamtic team in hargeysa and sending them packing whilst he needs uganddis boyfreinds to go to the toilet, heheheheh

f******* xoolo 1door,

if it was not for Ogaden and sayidka today you would be gaalo eating pork, not only did Ogaden rule you since 10,000 Bc but saved your souls from hell as you would have become christian,

sucking Ogaden feets and die,

when i brought an 11door girl home, my family were like, sorry son, no *******s at home,

you were saiydks servants and slaves,
Agah Agah! Awowgaa la gub war ma cagdheer baa low iq qof kale ku caayaya:damn::damn::hemad:. Magaca 11doorka waa la og yahay siduu u baxay idinkoo jaahiliin ah oo qaawan baanu dhar kaa iibin jirney cagdheerey.
the 1door name is not comlete with out xooolihi 1door,

funny we already have lafa ruug, where 1doors were sent to hell when they thought they can come in with british 10,000 rifles, we sent them to hell,

1door waa xoolo with cuqdad, kualha we would be swimming in indian conea, yet he lives in a dusty triangle where garisa county is bigger, heck even lower juba has more people,

your people are under my command in DDSI regadless of what happens, you still live under me even when i am at war with 100 million habashi, always the presdeint waa me, me me, your ruler on earth,

low IQ xoolo 1door, why is there so much cuqdad horta from your clan, even in the mosque they bring up qabiil,

if yuor so smart farmajo would not be sakcing the habashi diplamtic team in hargeysa and sending them packing whilst he needs uganddis boyfreinds to go to the toilet, heheheheh

f******* xoolo 1door,

if it was not for Ogaden and sayidka today you would be gaalo eating pork, not only did Ogaden rule you since 10,000 Bc but saved your souls from hell as you would have become christian,

sucking Ogaden feets and die,

when i brought an 11door girl home, my family were like, sorry son, no *******s at home,

you were saiydks servants and slaves,

Allah Doqonkii wuu xanaaqay. Ileen your cuqdad knows no bounds to the point that your cuqdad ridden clan family won't allow for you to marry an Isaaq girl. Waar dadkan Illahay miyaaney ka baqayn?!?

Dhaandhaan listen up, when it comes to Diin never forget that it was Reer Shiikh Isxaaq that were the ones that taught your people how to read Surah Al Fatihah. To this day we are getting your ajar. If your a basic Muslim who prays the obligatory prayers (no nafl/nawafil <-- that means optional/voluntary) , you read Surah Al-Fatihah 17 times in a day. You get a blessing for every harakat, and because we taught your dumbass we stay winning

When you stand behind a blessed Isaaq man on Salah (that means Prayer) your heart is at rest as you know, and your heart knows that is where you are meant to be always, Standing behind an Isaaq, as that is your destined role, to be behind other Somalis/Ajanabis always, whether they be MJ, Abgaal, HG, Amhara/Tigray/Kikuyu.

@Factz check this nigga he got mad mad, yo @Fiidmeer check this Doqon chimping out.

"Muh us mighty OGs have 5 million people, we can do anything" go collect a good 200,000 OG men and take on the god damn Ethiopia govt and DO NOT call other Somalis to help you, you cuqdad ridden rat. Dumbass
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Wait you are HY - Isxaaq Carre right? You might see Somalia as a brother thing because of the hate you have for SL and what it's based on(jeegaan/tribalism as you said before), but don't think it's different anywhere else. It's the same game, just more players.

If you're going to join SNA, know there are people with @Teeri-Alpha 's mindset. Is ilaali walaal and show no naxariis for them, that's where our people are weak. They'll take advantage of that weakness (unity/Somalinimo that they themselves don't believe in and use as a front) and shoot you point blank.

I say, stay strapped/safe, and if shit kicks off like 91 know that you have to pop some niggas otherwise your gonna get a xabad in your ass.

>but don't think it's different anywhere else. It's the same game, just more players.
Waan agaana, the only way to unite Somali lands is through a common enemy - the way to maintain unity, an iron fist.

Nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden — daß ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewese
The great issues of the day are not decided through speeches and majority resolutions — that was the great error of 1848 and 1849 — but through blood and iron.
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