Delayment of marriage

I think that’s an overgeneralisation, I walk past this wedding venue weekly and all I ever see are afghans getting married or somalis getting married I never see any other nationality
A lot of Desis get married in their early 20s, during their uni years; they’re broke as hell and can only afford basic needs, yet they still make it work. A lot of Somalis, on the other hand, get married after they’re done with their degree. Huge difference, Boyo^
I don’t live in the UK. The guys here rent small 30m² apartments; they don’t live with their parents. Maybe that’s different in the UK since living in London is expensive, but I’m not British
Comparing yourself to groups who bring their wives to their childhood home is ridiculous. Of course if as a man you can be dependent on your father paying rent or owning the home and you didn’t need to think about groceries as you’ll still be eating your mothers cooking or sadly your new wife will now have to serve everyone in your childhood kitchen, then money isn’t an issue is it? Hence you can even marry at 18, let alone 21 but that isn’t ideal for anyone involved and I’ve seen enough psychological breakdowns and disputes due to this.

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Well most desi couples end up living with the grooms in laws after. They are not pinching and squeezing to try to get by. I would much rather get my own career and decent money before I get married. I don't want no damn struggle love.
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Yeah from personal experiences, tj’s are soo much more likely to marry young and have kids young. I used to know people that have gotten married at 16/17 and they just don’t go to college and uni. Alot of them also marry their distant family members from their home country to bring them here (normally the guys though). But most of them get married at 20 and either have a tiny apartment together or the wife moves in with the husband’s family
I’ve seen @Kisame talk about this before and I do agree. Majority of the time sisters are willing to get married past university. So why the hell are we waiting until 30? Just lowering the birth rate and increasing ajnabi mixing.

This just makes the dating pool much worse for men and women


Plotting world domination
I’ve seen @Kisame talk about this before and I do agree. Majority of the time sisters are willing to get married past university. So why the hell are we waiting until 30? Just lowering the birth rate and increasing ajnabi mixing.

This just makes the dating pool much worse for men and women
Guys just aren't ready for marriage.

These chicks are ready to get married at 22-24. Most Somali guys arent even financially stable around this age.

Most of the Somali men I know that got married before the age of 25 didn't go to college.
Most of those Asians are marrying their cousins lmao. I'm not worried about marriage I am stacking my bread up and I'll settle down in my 30's lol just like my dad did.
Delaying marriage is common these days for both men and women and across ethnic lines. Many people still get married relatively young but you will still find a lot of single people in their late twenties and thirties. There's not one singular explanation for why this is but a plethora of reasons, some general and others unique to the individual, that's causing this phenomenon.
Honestly you hear about guys who married too early and currently live a miserable life without freedom. Sort yourself out before you plunge yourself into servitude, and take time picking your partner.
I have read the thread, I thought the general consensus within the diaspora was to marry early. I have been to three weddings this year, all were under 23. I am from a big family and most of my siblings and cousins have married around early twenties. There are just a few black sheeps amongst us, such as yours truly.

Also with the economic factors, as you go further into your twenties and beyond, a lone single man or woman is actually spending more than if they were married. Therefore, two people coming together in marriage would mean:
  • A shared apartment rather than two apartments
  • Shared utilities
  • Shared expenses
  • Home food rather than eating out or take away.
  • Shared car
  • Shared insurance
  • Cheaper insurance
  • Reduced tax bill for married or civil partnership couples

Not mention the health benefits for married individuals, especially for men, who are reported to live longer, do financially better than their unmarried counter parts.

The idea that your going to "lone wolf" in your twenties because its "expensive" is just unfounded for me.


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