Missing family

Salamu alaykum
Basically I was born in the UK my hooyo is from Xamar n abo is from somaliand. They met in the uk then I was born. My hooyo told me he went back to somaliland and went missing presumed dead. She doesn’t want to talk about it in detail. She lost contact with his family. All she told me was his qabil and name. His name is muhammed very common. I don’t know shall I look for his family and how


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Salamu alaykum
Basically I was born in the UK my hooyo is from Xamar n abo is from somaliand. They met in the uk then I was born. My hooyo told me he went back to somaliland and went missing presumed dead. She doesn’t want to talk about it in detail. She lost contact with his family. All she told me was his qabil and name. His name is muhammed very common. I don’t know shall I look for his family and how
Ask some elders about what hoods your dad's sub clan lives and go looking. People will try and help you. Do you know your sub clan?
Sympathise with your mother as that is also her husband. Are there not others you can turn to help you with this? What about your maternal uncles or aunts? Its very rare for there to be a marriage and not have families come together as well, or at least uncles or even siblings verifying their sisters potential husband. So if you have not, consider asking those around your mother.

Also, something seems amiss here. Its unlikely that a husband and a father would just pack and go to a country, where he has little to no means providing for his family, this usually happens in the reverse direction. It could just be wounds remaining fresh, hence why your mother does not want to talk about it. Or something else...

I will say, Somalis are a tightknit group and this is not as hard as it otherwise would have been. Once, I was in the early stages of courting a girl, and we agreed we would make our parents aware of us, her mother was able to track me back to my hometown in Somalia, as well as the city of my childhood education, all with just my full name and minority name. and the girls family was not even connected to Somali minorities. It was funny then, but it goes to show.

You just need to find as much information as you can, and talk to the right people. Insha'Allah you will find what you are looking for.
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Sounds like you need to get hooyo to open up more, but she needs to know that you support her above all. Because if there is zero contact with your father, and his side of the family, something isn't right. It's probably delicate/sensitive. Maybe don't try to find him without her approval, and without knowing the full story.
Salamu alaykum
Basically I was born in the UK my hooyo is from Xamar n abo is from somaliand. They met in the uk then I was born. My hooyo told me he went back to somaliland and went missing presumed dead. She doesn’t want to talk about it in detail. She lost contact with his family. All she told me was his qabil and name. His name is muhammed very common. I don’t know shall I look for his family and how
Sorry bro, if I was your dad, I would at least write your abtirsis down on a paper and laminate it before leaving.
Does your hooyo remember any names of his family members? You could go on the YouTube show illintir. Many older people watch it so they could possibly know him. But beware you could be contacted by scammers as well.
his qabil is habr yunis i’m gonna find out which city he’s from. most likely burao though
Did he tell her the name of the sub sub ? There’s little pockets of HY located in the UK so we can definitely help. If you find the city it’ll make it a lot easier as different subs live in different cities.

If he’s from Burco then @Sa_Male might be able to help.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
i’m gonna ask her the sub clan. btw what are the sub clans for HY
Hy is a big clan sxb, and they live in 5 of the 6 regions in somaliland as well. Waaay too many sub clans like @berberaboy66 said.
Some idea of the scale: Saciid Ismaaciil (Garxajis) Is Nick name and Has two sons

[edit] Cali Saciid
(Hassan Haaji and Faarax haaji) Faarax Haaji 1)Ismail Faarax and abdi Faarax

Ismail Faarax 1) Reer ciagaale dheere 2) Reer collow 3) reer Amarre 4) Reer AWAD 5) Reer aw cabdi 6) reer xasan xirsi 7) reer cali xirsi 8) reer cadaawe

HASSAN Haaji, 1) reer samater 2) reer siyaad 3) abdi hassan 4) cismaan hassan 5)cumar xasan 6)jidh jidhan

[edit] Carre Siciid
Carre Saciid (larger group)
Carre had seven sons:

Ismaaciil Carre (Cabdale, Muuse and Yoonis)
Muuse Carre(Ibraahim, Hassan and Damal)
Isxaaq Carre(Kaliil, Cabdalle, Qaasim)
Dandaan Carre
Kuul Carre
Gambo Carre
Makaahiil Carre

[edit] Isaxaaq care Siciid
1)Cabdalle Isaxaaq 2)Qaasim Isaxaaq 3)Kaliil Isaxaaq

Cabdalle Isaxaaq= Ahmed Hassan and Hussein Hassan

* Hussein Hassan, ( heer ugaadh, ahmed liig, and cali abdalle).
* Ahmed Hassan, (mahamed ahmed, hussein hassan, and (geeda saluug, salah geel))

[edit] Ismaciil Carre Siciid
Ismaciil Carre, a branch of the Habar Yoonis, is considered to be the largest family branch of all branches within Somali clans. He is the only 4th generation descendant of Isxaaq who is buried along him in his tomb.

His lineage was: Ismaciil, son of Carre, son of Said, son of Ismaiil, son of Sheikh Isaaq bin Ahmed. Ismaciil had three sons: Musse Ismaciil (Gadhweyne and Reer Cawl), Abdalle Ismaciil (Cumar Abdalle, Idarees Abdalle and Muuse Abdale) and Yonis Ismaciil (Sacad Yonis). Ismaciil Carre members live mostly in the Hawd Ethiopia, Burco, Erigabo, Nugaal, Sanaag and Togdheer regions of Somalia.

Three Sons of Ismaaciil Carre

Muuse Ismaacil (reer Awl + Gadhweyn)
Yoonis Ismaaciil (Sacad Yoonis)
Cabdalle Ismaaciil (majority of this section)

[edit] Cabdalle Ismaaciil
Cabdalle Ismaacil had three sons, the largest of his descendant are among the Cumar Cabdalle (Omar Abdalla).

1- Idrays Cabdalle a-Muuse idarays -xasan muuse -xasan magan -xasan buureed b-Max/ed idarays c-Siciid idarays

2- Muuse Cabdalle 3- Cumar Cabdalle

[edit] Muuse Cabdalle
1- Abokor Looge 2- Faarax Maxamed

[edit] Abokor Looge
A- Cigaal Abokor 1)Maxamed Cigaal (reer Maxamed Casse) 2)Xassan Cigaal (reer Diiriye) 3) Beyle Cigaal subdivided into 1) Bagaalo (Muuse cabdi + Maxamed cabdi) 2) Farax cabdi and 3)Ismaaciil cabdi 4) Maax Cigaal (reer maax).

B- Muuse Abokor (divisions of Muuse also missing)

C- Cali Abokor: 1. Hagar Cali ( Rooble Hagar, Faarax Hagar ) 2. Xasan Cali ( divisions of Muuse also missing)

[edit] Faarax Maxamed
A- Xasan Faarax B- Cali Faarax (Bah Warsangali + Cali Xasan) C- Jibriil Faarax +Xuseen Faarax(Ba-Gumaroon)

D- Cabdi Xasan Faarax)1)CUMAR CABDI{2}GADIID CABDI E- Allamagan Faarax

[edit] Cumar Cabdalle
had three sons:

A- Ugaadh Cumar (a sub clan by itself) B- Kaliil Cumar C- Adan Cumar (which is the most numerous at this junction).

[edit] Adan Cumar
3 sections:

Cigaal Adan (grouped into Gumbuur)
Maxamed Adan (the most numerous)
Cilmi Adan (reer Cilmi)

[edit] Mohamed Adan
2 sections:

Xildiid Maxamed (the most numerous)
Rooble Maxamed (Carabala).
A- Baho Rooble B- Reer Samatar (the most numerous)
Rooble/carabala, are the providers of Akils (Caaqil) for their alliane Baho ismail (Rooble Maxamed+Idarays cabdalle+Abokor xildiid)

[edit] Xildiid Maxamed
4 sections:

1- Xasan Xildiid (grouped within Gumbuur alliance) 2- Xuseen Xildiid (reer Xuseen): A- Ismaaciil Xuseen B- Samtar Xuseen c- Galab Xuseen.

3- Abokor Xildiid (reer Abokor): A- Cali Abokor (most numerous) B- Ibraahin Abokor

4- Cismaan Xildiid (the most numerous)

[edit] Cismaan Xildiid
Mumin Cismaan
Cali Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahante)
Cabdi Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahnate)
Maxamuud Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahnate)
Xirsi Cismaan.
Ibrahim Cismaan
Iidle Cismaan

[edit] Xirsi Cismaan
8 sections:

Ceynaashe Xirsi (17 sections)
Siciid Xirsi (reer Weyd + reer Waraabe + reer Cigaal + Cabdi + gumbuur)
Cabdi Xirsi (Cawd and Diiriye)
Warsame Xirsi
Faahiye Xirsi (geedi and ducaale)
yuusuf Xirsi
Cali Xirsi
Xildiid Xirsi.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
jibriil Cumaar
Guuled Cumaar
Nuux Cumaar had six sons "Reer Nuux"

Cali Nuux (reer Cali nuux)
Diiriye Nuux
Liibaan nuux
Guuled Nuux
Dibjir Nuux
Daahiir Nuux
Cali Nuux had eight sons

Abokor cali (reer Abokor)
Wade Cali (reer Wade)
Rable Cali (reer Rable)
Magan Cali (reer Magan)
Ducaale Cali (reer Ducaale Cali)
Maxamuud Cali (reer Maxamuud Cali)
Axmed Cali (reer Axmed Cali)
Ibraahim (reer Ibraahim.
Maxamed Sacad - Iidarays

Muse Samatar (largest group of the IIdarays)
Cabdi Samatar (split into Ba' Arab and Fiqi Egaal)
Reer Wacays


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
2, Maxamud sacad is divided two parts.

[edit] Musa Care

[edit] Has Three Sons
Ibrahim Muse, Hasan Muse and Damal Muse

Ibrahim Muse is the Largest section in Muse Care and his grandsons are 6

1- Jibriil Adan Fiqi 2- Muuse Adan Fiqi 3- Cali Adan Fiqi 4- Muxumed Adan Fiqi 5- CabdulRaxmaan Fiqi 6- Samane Fiqi

[edit] Damal Muse
1- Roble Damal And Adan Damal

[edit] Habar Yoonis Sultans
The royal sub-clan (the one that provides the Sultans) of the Habar Yoonis are the Reer Sugule, who hail from the Caynanshe branch of the Habar Yoonis.

1- The first H.Y Sultan was Sultan Diiriye Suguule (1760-1840) 2- Sultaan Amaan Sultan Diiriye (1790-1854). 3- Sultaan Xirsi Sultan Amaan (1824-1879) 4- Sultaan Cawd sultan Diiriye (1830-1899)

In 1899 Sultan Cawd (Awd) was killed during a battle with the rival Daarood (Ogaden) tribe in western Ethiopia. There were 2 first cousins sultans each supported by different segments of the Habar Yoonis clan some Pro-Devrish and others opposed to it, the Pro-Devrish sultan Nuur A. Amaan eventually defeated his opponent Madar X. Amaan and for a period of 15 years him and his son held the sultantes, only after their death did the H.Y proclaimed him a sultan.

5- Sultaan Nuur Axmed Sultan Amaan (1844-1910)killed during the Devrish struggle. 6- Sultan Doolaal Sultan Nuur(1856-1917)also killed during the Devrish years. 7- Sultaan Madar Sultan Xirsi Amaan (1876-1938) 8- Sultaan Cali Sultan Madar (1900-1979) 9- Sultan Cismaan Sultan Cali sultan Madar (b 1957)

[edit] Idaares Abdalle
The oldest of the Abdalle Ismaciil sub-clan, who were also Sultans of the Habar Yoonis. Together with Reer Sugule (Current Emirs) they are known as "Reer Odweyne" after their town and where the Sultans reside.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
I found this on somalispot. Even finding your sub clan (mine is muuse carre) isn't really enough. You'd need to know your sub sub sub clan to locate people. I highly recommend speaking to hy elders, family elders etc or else going back home and speaking to elders there, I'm sure speaking to them and giving them the info they need, such as your sub sub sub clan would help them to guide you in the right direction as usually it's the odays who can help you with locating a person with qabil. Having habar yunis and walking around with a name simply won't work sxb and would require a miracle.


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