Kilwe is not reliable newsReport from Kilwe media couple days ago. Think this would be good but doubt state can afford amount of money it will take to buy back clan weapons and enlist personnel. Maybe if we strike oil or get outside country to fund it. Other option is by force which will get ugly
I agree with you brother puntland should disarm armed militias clan including diyaanos mafia … puntland armed forces, military,police and intelligence are strong enough to protect territorial integrity of puntland…..this armed militia subclan are dangers they can be use to destabilize puntland under horgaal with shaati qabil , hassan gurgurte is using ilmo butaano diyaano mafia to destabilizes puntland.Waxaan oo kale baa nagu dhex nool. Room temperature IQ.
Who asked your idoor opinion?Won't happen as the 3 maxmuud saleeban will never abandon or dissolve their militias
Nearly every subclan has clan militia. Since they are at each other throatsThere's militias active in armed groups lol? I didn't know that I thought PL was like SL just armed forces didn't know that was a thing
A professional army will defeat a rag tag militia any day of the weekSouth of N mudug is the Huturaki sea, how can we disarm reer N mudug knowing that? Matterfact, I will arm them more if I was the president.