Descriptions of the sahaba

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Between akhdar and asmar. The original Arabs were very dark skin they became lighter because they slept with slave women from Armenia in there harems. And also Turks settlers from the Ottoman Empire today we call these settlers Arabs.

Banu rashaida

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They loved Turkish women

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What actual Arabs looked like

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Modern Arabs

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A sabean statue
the habeshi didnt come to acquire course hair and darkskin through intermixing with horners but rather they already were so even in arabia


A sabean statue View attachment 72713the habeshi didnt come to acquire course hair and darkskin through intermixing with horners but rather they already were so even in arabia


Sabeans looked like Yemenite Jews (native Arabian converts from the Himyarite era). Habeshas are Cushites, not South Semites.




Himyari statue:


Stop the Banu Hashim 2.0 booty clapping. You have nothing to do with Arabians besides sharing extremely distant pan-Afrasian connections.

That statue is not realistic hair texture but is an art style found even among the Ancient Persians:



Sabeans looked like Yemeni Jews. Habeshas are Cushites, not South Semites.




Stop the Banu Hashim 2.0 booty clapping. You have nothing to do with Arabians besides sharing extremely distant pan-Afrasian connections.

That statue is not realistic hair texture, but an art style, found even among the Ancient Persians:



I'll be discussinh the pelasgians and elamites after i'm done reading some greek histories im currently engaged in



View attachment 72714
I'll be discussinh the pelasgians and elamites after i'm done reading some greek histories im currently engaged in


You are overly obsessed with skin color.

Skin color does not equal race.

The Ancient Persians (who build the civilization) are genetically identical to today's Persians, except for the post-Genghis Khan Mongoloid and Bantu/Zanji along Iran's south coast in some of them.


How can that be so when theyre J, speak arabic, and are ASMAR and AKHDAR?????????????????????????
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Haplogroup does not determine race, not even ethnicity.

Sudanese Arabs have high J1 frequencies due to dominant Arab men being absorbed there, while their autosomal race stayed the same as before Islam / during the Nubian period.

Sudanese Arabs are fake Arabs. They do not cluster anywhere near ethnic Arabians on genome-wide charts and are indistinguishable from Nubians.
I don't know how true that is but modern Arabs seem to have a contempt for dark skin. They truly don't see it as valuable let alone attractive. I do believe they seek and sought light women to have offspring with. However, I don't believe the true Arabs looked like Africans, they most likely resembled the Yemenis, dusky, deeply tanned skin with Arab features.

If we are to believe they bred their features out, how come they look like Yemenis? Only slightly lighter at times? Hard to believe they turned from West African features to looking like Arabs.

(I do believe the Berbers became White skinned due to having harems filled with European women. In addition, the Turks went from looking like the Mongols to looking European due to have harems with Slavic women).


I don't know how true that is but modern Arabs seem to have a contempt for dark skin. They truly don't see it as valuable let alone attractive. I do believe they seek and sought light women to have offspring with. However, I don't believe the true Arabs looked like Africans, they most likely resembled the Yemenis, dusky, deeply tanned skin with Arab features.

Did they become lighter over time? Yes, but NOT from African looking to Caucasian/Arab.

I do suspect the Berbers became White skinned due to having harems filled with European women. In addition, the Turks went from looking like the Mongols to looking European due to have harems with Slavic women.

A lot of fake news in your post,

About Arabs, it's the opposite, they have become darker and more African looking over time due to having imported millions of Black Africans slaves from the Bantu Swahili coast area.

Do you guys not even know history?

About Turks, they largely descend from the Greek and Armenian related natives of Anatolia. A language and cultural shift happened there. They have no ties to Slavs at all.
Furthermore, Arabs in Saudi Arabia practise intermarriage WITHIN their clans, they don't even like marrying from other Saudi clans. I don't know when or how this massive intermarriage shift happened.

In addition, they call dark skinned/Africans "Abeed".. They imported A LOT of slaves from Africa even prior to that, there were invasions from Ethiopia or even slaves from Ethiopia.

I wouldn't be surprised if they used slaves to fight their battles as they used the slavics in Northern Africa and in Turkey as soldiers.

A few paintings does not mean the original moors and Arabs were Africans. Let alone Bantu.
A lot of fake news in your post,

About Arabs, it's the opposite, they have become darker and more African over time due to having imported millions of Black Africans slaves from the Bantu Swahili coast area.

About Turks, they largely descend from the Greek and Armenian related natives of Anatolia. A language and cultural shift happened there

What is fake about what I posted. I agreed with your assertion that Arabs were not African historically or African looking.

Furthermore, Turks descend from the Turkic people and other people in neighbouring countries. That's what their historical claim is. I didn't make it up.


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