Desi family got attacked by UK police officers


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What’s your obsession with George Floyd?

By law, he was murdered by Derek Chauvin. That’s what the court said. He was a victim of homicide. All this nonsense you are talking about as if the court didn’t have access to all footage and his autopsy reports.

The fact you are attacking him, despite the court verdict, shows how you are person devoid of any empathy. No wonder why you are attacking more innocent victims of police brutality. Context??? U don’t even fucking accept a court verdict.


Coping through the 1st world
You see a victim of police brutality, and your first feeling isn’t sympathy, but suspicion.

Disgusting. All because you left Islam, and he’s a Muslim. That’s the real definition of being an emotional little girl.

These innocent victims were all released by the police without any charge, so keep crying.

How old are you seriously? Every videos that are posted on social media only shows the edit scenes that are edited out, never the original side of the video. You only wanted an emotional response instead of getting suspicious and investigating the original side of the video? There’s lot of times where people like you who act emotional and play keyboard warrior when never knowing the whole context. This is a kid mentality what you’re promoting.

As an adult male I have my rights to get suspicious while you can act like a keyboard warrior on the web. :drakekidding::snoop:


Coping through the 1st world
Context is important you are correct. But please do not think that you are some sort of brave maverick by leaving Islam. On the contrary the most spineless self haters are usually among the first to throw away their religion and traditions.

Leave me and Islam out of this. And contribute to this thread. Thanks.


How old are you seriously? Every videos that are posted on social media only shows the edit scenes that are edited out, never the original side of the video. You only wanted an emotional response instead of getting suspicious and investigating the original side of the video? There’s lot of times where people like you who act emotional and play keyboard warrior when never knowing the whole context. This is a kid mentality what you’re promoting.

As an adult male I have my rights to get suspicious while you can act like a keyboard warrior on the web. :drakekidding::snoop:
Ah now you’re accusing them of manipulating the video and posting only edits that paint them in a favourable light

Because they’re Muslim therefore guilty and the police are always in the right

Because muslims are terrorists

Such is the rabid hatred of murtads, devoid of any logic and sympathy.


Coping through the 1st world
Ah now you’re accusing them of manipulating the video and posting only edits that paint them in a favourable light

Because they’re Muslim therefore guilty and the police are always in the right

Because muslims are terrorists

Such is the rabid hatred of murtads, devoid of any logic and sympathy.

You have an Iq of a toilet bowl. You’re bringing Islam when this has nothing to do with religion. You sound like one those cancel cultured people where they consider anything offensive when not giving out the proper context.

Get real and contribute please instead of focusing on my former religion. Weirdo.


Coping through the 1st world

Hope the guy gets better and things are brought to justice.

Law and order is necessary in the first world country.


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Coroner reports, multiple witnesses and the entire court case proved that Floyd was murdered because of the excessive use of force by the cops, especially Chauvin who kneeled on him for almost 10 minutes despite Floyd's obvious distress. Both in western law and Islamic law and morals people, even bad people have human rights.
He’s saying that because he left Islam, it’s not about context.

Ex-Muslims have a vehement hate for us, i’ve noticed that just like Hindus they are ardent supporters of the Zionist genocide of Palestinians.

The only people who would ask for “context” at such brutality are:
-Right wing racists/white supremacists

How can you say that you don't even know me.
2 billion Muslims can't help the poor civilians in Gaza from being massacred.
What are they doing.
Here in the UK they made themselves weak by antagonizing the locals with praying in the street, Anjem choudray, The Arab with hook hand, chants of 'we are going to take over'.
Hundreds of terrorist incidents.
Women ninjas walking in the street refusing to fit into society.
No wonder there is so much hate for Muslim.
All the time the smart hindus, jews and sikhs kept their head down, become educated, middle class and made money.

Context to me is really important. I really wanted to know what cause this altercation. I’ve heard one of the guy (the dude that got hit) have punched the female officer in the face resulting the male going berserk on him.
No context is needed to assess that excessive force was used here.

Even if he was a literal pedophile caught viewing CP, individual police officers must be expected to follow protocol when arresting someone.

Otherwise, you open the door for coppers to determine it acceptable to kick someone at the head for trangressing their subjective moral boundaries, such as existing in a form other than white, Western and Christian.
He’s saying that because he left Islam, it’s not about context.

Ex-Muslims have a vehement hate for us, i’ve noticed that just like Hindus they are ardent supporters of the Zionist genocide of Palestinians.

The only people who would ask for “context” at such brutality are:
-Right wing racists/white supremacists
He has a strange set of opinions, the other day I posted this thread about feminist debate on hijab and he seriously compared wearing the niqab with a balaclava, citing that they are equally associated with criminal activity.




Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Every videos that are posted on social media only shows the edit scenes that are edited out, never the original side of the video.

Regardless of context, a police officer shouldn’t be choking someone for 10 minutes.

Either they are out to maliciously harm someone beyond reasonable use of force or they are unable to choke someone out.

Either way, that person shouldn’t be in the police force.


He has a strange set of opinions, the other day I posted this thread about feminist debate on hijab and he seriously compared wearing the niqab with a balaclava, citing that they are equally associated with criminal activity.


Honestly once i heard his voice, I knew that he hated Muslims

It might sound crazy, I don’t know why, but he just has a very islamophobic voice.
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Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
How old are you seriously? Every videos that are posted on social media only shows the edit scenes that are edited out, never the original side of the video. You only wanted an emotional response instead of getting suspicious and investigating the original side of the video? There’s lot of times where people like you who act emotional and play keyboard warrior when never knowing the whole context. This is a kid mentality what you’re promoting.

As an adult male I have my rights to get suspicious while you can act like a keyboard warrior on the web. :drakekidding::snoop:


Coping through the 1st world
Regardless of context, a police officer shouldn’t be choking someone for 10 minutes.

Either they are out to maliciously harm someone beyond reasonable use of force or they are unable to choke someone out.

Either way, that person shouldn’t be in the police force.

That post wasn’t a reference to Floyd it was a reference to the original post of this thread. I wanted to know the context on why the Desi families were getting attacked by those cops. I only asked the context of the cause of the altercation. It’s not a normal response by these police officers. So I wanted to know on what trigged them. But by no way I’m I justfying the brutality of these officers. Not once have I justified these attackers. Just needed to know the context.

But since I’m getting responses by emotional little girls. It’s hard to find reasons on why.
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Coping through the 1st world
No context is needed to assess that excessive force was used here.

Even if he was a literal pedophile caught viewing CP, individual police officers must be expected to follow protocol when arresting someone.

Otherwise, you open the door for coppers to determine it acceptable to kick someone at the head for trangressing their subjective moral boundaries, such as existing in a form other than white, Western and Christian.

Are you slow? I wanted to know the reasons on why the officers reacted the way they did. Context is important. Not justifying the brutality. And in fact I never justified. I just needed to know on why the officers reacted like that. Simple.


Coping through the 1st world
Honestly once i heard his voice, I knew that he hated Muslims

It might sound crazy, I don’t know why, but he just has a very islamophobic voice.

“Honestly once i heard his voice, I knew that he hated Muslims”

:mjlol::drakekidding::reallymaury: See what I mean? You come off very emotional. No reasons just emotion.