SOMALI REGION Development in Ogadenia/DDS


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
How’s the dairy and other agricultural output output of areas like Geladi Werder and Kerbi Dahar


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Livestock industry development

With these developments and more, our share of the East African livestock trade will increase.
aad baan ugu faraxsanahay xaaladan wanaagsaan iyo farajkaan illahay ino furay , waxaan filayaa barako badan tiro ka badan ino so kurdo marka xiriirka, isdhexgalka, kalsoonida, iyo gashanbuurisga ii kordaan


How’s the dairy and other agricultural output output of areas like Geladi Werder and Kerbi Dahar
There are already camel milk coorperatives that operate in Qabridaharre but I don’t know any farms there. There are a few farming coorperatives around Wardheer but no camel milk ones as far as I know. I haven’t heard anything from Galaadi


Banana farm in Wardheer



I am proud of DDS. Mechanizing their farming. No more manual/primitive approach

Please try to mechanize every industry, scan anywhere in your sectors and if it's still has a manual method demand 'mechanical' solutions. Societies are measured on the 'AK line' mechanical assembly line capability which determines what type of 'investors' will come to your DDS, contributed by >>>> @GemState

U got no 'excuses' either u got the 'energy' backbone in Ethiopia to support mechanizing DDS industries, something we in Somalia lack, but 'siyad' was planning to equip us with our energy needs thru 'baardheere' dam solution, untill the chimp out founder from 78 >>> @Libaax-Joore

90S Laughing GIF

While Mature Osman Mahmouds like me will stand before the World to address Somalia 78 chimp out idealogy foundings which led to rebel groups emergin nation wide and culminating into our very own Somalia 91 NAKBA.

It's a Somali Nakba of great porportion.


Welina ma xishoode weeye and he is saying im a horgal, while he tooks us to hell and my family were stopping us.

Climate Change Fire GIF by GIPHY News

91. Took 20-30 years of my father life, xitaa 'dabada ayuu dhiig ka keenay oo isbital lala cararay' due to severe depression, as we were in Australia as the first Somali community in 89. I will never ever forgive any REBEL GROUP.
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Xaaji Abraahiin rahimahullah Grand Mosque Complex, Wardheer, Ogadenia

This project consists of two phases. The first phase which is under construction consists of the Grand Mosque which will be the largest mosque in Wardheer and all of Doollo and act as the main Friday mosque for the city, and classrooms for the quran madrassah which currently holds over a thousand students in a temporary site.

The second phase is much bigger and consists of a fully integrated private university that will provide higher education both secular and religious as well as dormitories for the students. This project is wholly owned and financed by the locals of Wardheer with no government financing whatsoever. The committee overseeing it consists of scholars native to the town such as Sheikh Umal and Sheikh Shakuul

Here they just opened what looks like a public transportation company two weeks ago and named it marxaba 😂 the owner couldn’t even give his company a Somali name. These vans will help transport civilians all over Ogaden cities M.A
Goljano is located in a strategic location it’s green manshaAllah very fertile it gets enough rain and it’s mountains and the best of all it’s our property🙏


Goljano is located in a strategic location it’s green manshaAllah very fertile it gets enough rain and it’s mountains and the best of all it’s our property🙏

That should be the lafa.goray road between qandala-bargaal road connected to bosaso highway. I am real jealous of dds development.

Your with gaalo which is better then pagans who are what we call.cawaans(massai, hawiye, rendille, Samburu) same stock of ppl and truly.pagan and do isbaaro on dev projects for PL.
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Now this is something M.A🙏 they gotta start from somewhere here they build trucks that transport liquid idk if it’s oil or water
wooooooooow True signs of development is industry Looks like they make Chasis and trailers. Seen Loads of these pakistani ones. Man you should see what they up too in pakistan, They could build you a full tractor trailer cheaply and of high quality search up pakistan truck productions thats what we need

