Dhulo militia mobilized outside Bixin


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Dhulloz dont want no dabayaco near their border great job dhulloz these nigg3rs trying to steal your land by expanding garowe ha ka yeelin great job.


Dhulloz dont want no dabayaco near their border great job dhulloz these nigg3rs trying to steal your land by expanding garowe ha ka yeelin great job.

Tekniko, this isn't a funny matter sxb. These are 'miyi clans' especially the ones being mentioned are my clans men who live nugaal since it's the only osman mahmoud now in nugaal. Sxb nimanka waa dad reer miyi ah, way dagalaman, read the new york post what happened between them, waxaa laga sheekayste illa new york waxani niyahow, especially darwish vs boqor osman, Jojji dhibka. This aint the south who are all settled and weakened and ciyaal mamo
Dhulbahante don't want any MJ in Sool

We heard the elders in taleex complaining about them a few days ago and now this if it's true. Bixin is only a few metres inside the usual border but they don't want to even give that.

Let's see how many soldiers from Laascaanood Barracks join.

Just when Deni accepted to not fight for Sool & Sanaag anymore. Maybe he's realised there's no point in wasting resources on war
Didn't Muse Bixi realize that first? or are you just dense when it comes to him


Didn't Muse Bixi realize that first? or are you just dense when it comes to him

Typical 'naag' @SirLancelLord wants two mighty warriors who's wars were reported on new york time and in the lips of somali gabays who didn't use a single foreign soldier against each other or 'english planes' to bomb Taleex or Italian bombs to destroy Majerteniya sultanate. Waxay raban midguhu langaabka in labo libaax isku dhacan niyahow si ay akhirki meesha loo baneeyo iyagu. I am langaab bah dubays at least consult me on 'langaab politics' since I survive quite well among larger majerten clans who are armed to the teeth, I aint living on magan alle like the southern weakies either.

I always remind majerten langaab halal ah ba jira sida leelkase darbi darod, langaab haram ah ba jira sida id33r, if you guys just listened to us langaab clans inside majerten we can spot the games other langaabs play and provide you with valuable intel. I can handle sirlance, since I am langaab inside MJ, his a langaab inside Somali, I am 10 times ahead of him in the langaab tactics but I know halal style and haram style which effects 'clan's' history for centuries and includes BANS FROM PRESIDENCY if you play haram like happened to Isaaq.
You guys don't know ancient 'bari' or 'nugaal' history. Dhulos know very well. War raggow meeshasi bah dubays ba degane, osman mahmoud kale oo joggo nugaal manta ma jiro. In-yar ayaa joggi jiray inta uu dhaxayso garowe iyo sinujiif, lakin waa guureen, bah dubays meel uma socode.

I bet these niggas are taking a shot at bah dubays. Noone else lives around garowe/sool areas who are osman mahmoud. I better contact some adeer to find out if these niggas are asking for another round of 'duudo' regiments, wallahi boqol wiil hadaysan waayin dhulbahante guul uma arki ileen awoowasheena ayaa noo dhiigay tarikhdasi boqolki duudow boqol loo waa. We are not Issa mahmoud oo ilig laga soo tuurayo adeer, they know us niggas, we osman mahmoud adeer, arintu waxay gaadhaysa new york post sida waagi hore.

Dhulos fear omar mahmoud siiba reer mahad/baharsame. But they fear Osman mahmoud like hell cause of the wars against darwish iyo gabayada waa jira illa manta and new york post articles. We ain't ID@@R LA CABSI GELIN KARE OO ENGRIS UU ORDAYO. BANANKA IS KEEN WARYAA
Nigga abokor ciise live there specifically the Maxamed Ugaar


Nigga abokor ciise live there specifically the Maxamed Ugaar

No wonder their talking like that, iyagu kama baqan issa mahmoud due to throwing u niggas of a cliff. I was shocked a dhulbahante speaking to an osman mahmoud like that when we know they sent their best soldiers in history and the casualties they faced against boqor osman reached new york post and in the lips of somali gabays and mahmah till today.

WTF is ABOKOR isse doing out there, they don't live in this area, they got a point dhulbahantuhu.
No wonder their talking like that, iyagu kama baqan issa mahmoud due to throwing u niggas of a cliff. I was shocked a dhulbahante speaking to an osman mahmoud like that when we know they sent their best soldiers in history and the casualties they faced against boqor osman reached new york post and in the lips of somali gabays.
Sxb Ciise are not something to play around with kkkk
No wonder their talking like that, iyagu kama baqan issa mahmoud due to throwing u niggas of a cliff. I was shocked a dhulbahante speaking to an osman mahmoud like that when we know they sent their best soldiers in history and the casualties they faced against boqor osman reached new york post and in the lips of somali gabays and mahmah till today.

WTF is ABOKOR isse doing out there, they don't live in this area, they got a point dhulbahantuhu.
bro they are scared of ciise maxamuud hence why they keep mentioning faroole and the finance minister dont forget it was ciise nomads that were fighting dhulos in taleex district few years ago prob PTSD from that time
bro they are scared of ciise maxamuud hence why they keep mentioning faroole and the finance minister dont forget it was ciise nomads that were fighting dhulos in taleex district few years ago prob PTSD from that time
You’re a child and you heard what your family told you, I was alive when the civil war broke out. Dhulbahante has had enough now! If my people united it’s curtains for you guys.
bro they are scared of ciise maxamuud hence why they keep mentioning faroole and the finance minister dont forget it was ciise nomads that were fighting dhulos in taleex district few years ago prob PTSD from that time
Exactly Ciise are some fierce niggas. Dhulos will cry xasuuq if muuse Ciise join in :icon lol::icon lol:
I have inside information ℹ️
Big my G’s up in Somalia,Ethiopia,Kenya
Also Sweden and Norway
My fish and chips Arse knows everything
Wrong. It was dhullo vs dhullo. No mjs and issaqs are fighting.

False it was Dhulo vs Dhulo at first and then both regular armies of SL and Pl got involved when PL undertook 5 failed recapture missions. We even captured a tank nicknamed sabuun from Galkacyo that MJs brought all the way to Tukaraq to partake in the fight

You MJs have no shame wallahi the way you continue to try and lie about Tukaraq and say no MJ was involved. Firm your Ls you little girls

