Did anyone get this ? Reer UK Come in

Text from my gp,

Dear Miss .......

Our vaccination program will begin next week. We will first be calling people aged 80 and over but as soon as we can we will be contacting those who are eligible depending on stock. If this is a family member or neighbour, please support them. You do not need to call us to book, we will contact you. The first site for vaccines in our area will be ........

The vaccination is safe & effective. As your GPs, with your best interests at heart, we strongly recommend and support taking the vaccine.


Hakuna matata
Text from my gp,

Dear Miss .......

Our vaccination program will begin next week. We will first be calling people aged 80 and over but as soon as we can we will be contacting those who are eligible depending on stock. If this is a family member or neighbour, please support them. You do not need to call us to book, we will contact you. The first site for vaccines in our area will be ........

The vaccination is safe & effective. As your GPs, with your best interests at heart, we strongly recommend and support taking the vaccine.
No, but I heard some people have.
they not targetting you atm they want 80 year olds first.

My question is how will the vaccine be effective for? i heard something about 6months


Kick in the door wavin the .44
I didn’t get it... and I’m always suspicious about people/organisations that emphasise they’re honest and reliable 🚩 🚩🚩🚩
they not targetting you atm they want 80 year olds first.

My question is how will the vaccine be effective for? i heard something about 6months

I don't trust the vaccine at all. I'm hoping that once they are done with vaccinating the most vulnerable they will run out of funds to cover everyone else. The NHS is way too incompetent to budget anything on this scale properly.


Kick in the door wavin the .44
Drug companies and researchers are self interested liars. I don’t trust any medicine, especially one that was concocted in less than a year, and then the company had the audacity to request legal indemnity.



Veni Vidi Vici
No but I got a message from the NHS that says its time to download the Track and Trace app......

Ever since my doctor died, My GP has been going downhill, and also its VERY far, so I don't think they will dare to text me.


Veni Vidi Vici
I don't trust the vaccine at all. I'm hoping that once they are done with vaccinating the most vulnerable they will run out of funds to cover everyone else. The NHS is way too incompetent to budget anything on this scale properly.
They will run out of stock, allowing for a longer lockdown. We may have another Ramadan under lockdown by the looks of it. School ain't going back anytime soon at all.
Are you in the at risk category? Do you have underlying health problems. I have so many questions but I’m unsure if you’re trolling :cosbyhmm: