Did anyone get this ? Reer UK Come in

Are you in the at risk category? Do you have underlying health problems. I have so many questions but I’m unsure if you’re trolling :cosbyhmm:

I have zero health problems. I've never been hospitalised or had anything more than the common cold. My only fear at this point is that the vaccine will become compulsory in public settings.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Text from my gp,

Dear Miss .......

Our vaccination program will begin next week. We will first be calling people aged 80 and over but as soon as we can we will be contacting those who are eligible depending on stock. If this is a family member or neighbour, please support them. You do not need to call us to book, we will contact you. The first site for vaccines in our area will be ........

The vaccination is safe & effective. As your GPs, with your best interests at heart, we strongly recommend and support taking the vaccine.
Do you have a chronic disorder or work in the NHS? If so go for it, no need to put people's lives at risk. I've already got vaccinated.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Text from my gp,

Dear Miss .......

Our vaccination program will begin next week. We will first be calling people aged 80 and over but as soon as we can we will be contacting those who are eligible depending on stock. If this is a family member or neighbour, please support them. You do not need to call us to book, we will contact you. The first site for vaccines in our area will be ........

The vaccination is safe & effective. As your GPs, with your best interests at heart, we strongly recommend and support taking the vaccine.



Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
No I'm healthy and my job is office based but I work from home. Why did you get the vaccine ?
Because I'm trying to travel for work, you do realize soon you won't be able to travel if you haven't been vaccinated.

WTF? Don't get the second dose at least.

Bro I'm otherwise fit and healthy, highly doubt it's gonna cause any problems. Everyone is usually paranoid when something like this gets rolled out. My little sister was 110% positive that I'll have little nano bots engineered by Bill Gates and I'll die a week after the vaccination.


I got real connections
Because I'm trying to travel for work, you do realize soon you won't be able to travel if you haven't been vaccinated.

Bro I'm otherwise fit and healthy, highly doubt it's gonna cause any problems. Everyone is usually paranoid when something like this gets rolled out. My little sister was 110% positive that I'll have little nano bots engineered by Bill Gates and I'll die a week after the vaccination.
Hopefully the nanobots have Windows 10 installed, you will have updates every once in awhile and shut off.
Because I'm trying to travel for work, you do realize soon you won't be able to travel if you haven't been vaccinated.

Bro I'm otherwise fit and healthy, highly doubt it's gonna cause any problems. Everyone is usually paranoid when something like this gets rolled out. My little sister was 110% positive that I'll have little nano bots engineered by Bill Gates and I'll die a week after the vaccination.

So what's the need in getting it, if your fit and healthy?

I got covid few weeks ago barely felt it, so doesn't make sense to vaccinate against something like that specially with a possible risk factor of the vaccine.

Mr Sufi

Text from my gp,

Dear Miss .......

Our vaccination program will begin next week. We will first be calling people aged 80 and over but as soon as we can we will be contacting those who are eligible depending on stock. If this is a family member or neighbour, please support them. You do not need to call us to book, we will contact you. The first site for vaccines in our area will be ........

The vaccination is safe & effective. As your GPs, with your best interests at heart, we strongly recommend and support taking the vaccine.
They are saying a another doctor died in Florida after 14 days it's all over other websites

Mr Sufi

So what's the need in getting it, if your fit and healthy?

I got covid few weeks ago barely felt it, so doesn't make sense to vaccinate against something like that specially with a possible risk factor of the vaccine.
It's extremely weird what the governments are doing it's a cold x 5 if you are healthy it will go away on its own you can use regular cold medicines or natural ones honey black seed oil certain fruits warm bath it will go away so why are they pushing this vaccine

Read the ingredients of the vaccine
Dead fetus ? How is a dead fetus good for my body and not natural honey ? These fuckers think we are dumb
It's extremely weird what the governments are doing it's a cold x 5 if you are healthy it will go away on its own you can use regular cold medicines or natural ones honey black seed oil certain fruits warm bath it will go away so why are they pushing this vaccine

Read the ingredients of the vaccine
Dead fetus ? How is a dead fetus good for my body and not natural honey ? These fuckers think we are dumb

That's the problem 90% of people are literally dumb, they've been brainwashed into thinking anything from authority is good for you and never question authority. The indoctrination begins in schools.

Did you know big pharma writes the courses for medical schools, big pharma educates the doctors, that's why doctors are obsessed with medication and vaccines, instead of other ways to boost immunity like vitamin c or super foods etc.

Mr Sufi

That's the problem 90% of people are literally dumb, they've been brainwashed into thinking anything from authority is good for you and never question authority. The indoctrination begins in schools.

Did you know big pharma writes the courses for medical schools, big pharma educates the doctors, that's why doctors are obsessed with medication and vaccines, instead of other ways to boost immunity like vitamin c or super foods etc.
Why do people trust a bastard like bill gates ? He literally comes from a family who started the eugenics of America his father was the lead of planned parenthood
He even goes to say we need to bring the world population down
He isn't a fucking doctor yet his word is divine in the medicine world

It's crazy
Why do people trust a bastard like bill gates ? He literally comes from a family who started the eugenics of America his father was the lead of planned parenthood
He even goes to say we need to bring the world population down
He isn't a fucking doctor yet his word is divine in the medicine world

It's crazy

The world is doomed specially the western world!

Gates even said covid is just the beginning of the viruses, basically we ain't seeing nothing yet.