Did i rush things without doing my research?


He's dumb who even marries someone that they gonna "mould" and even worse deleting her social media cause he doesn't trust her and the other thing is nobody marries back home without listening to the advice of their relatives cause they know the girls back home very well he just rushed things and now regret it
He’s an idiot. If you’re going to marry back home then at least make sure you’re marrying a virgin :noneck:
whatever happened to marrying a person for companionship?

maybe you should've adopted a dog or cat... if you really wanted to mould minds set??? weirdo



(Alkebulan mother of mankind)
whatever happened to marrying a person for companionship?

maybe you should've adopted a dog or cat... if you really wanted to mould minds set??? weirdo


Marriage isn’t about companionship it’s about tribal ties , commitment and honour. Look throughout history. People like you are so misinformed about reality lol.

Marry your cousin oh sister amaal



Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
I decided to check out this subforum and I am lost for words man.

The audacity of this guy to marry someone still in high school, back home. You're such a creep bro, using your privilige as a diaspora Somali to marry vulnerable women then have the gall to come on here to whinge.

Kulahaa mould as well. Taking away her whatsapp and snapchat, man gtfo. I hope she hits you in the with a scopa.
It's a troll, u get them regularly here.
If she's doing that she already has 1 foot out of the door and wants to withhold sex to catch her husband cheating in order to have an excuse for a divorce

I call women out on their bullshit too

All women do it, every single women will attempt it sometime in the relationship.

Why not it's a powerful weapon and can even turn even a mysogynist potential rapist and wife basher into putty that does as he's told .

But it only works for a little time , sooner or later your relationship will die.
If a man has to ask for sex all the time and is turned down , he starts to lose attraction to his partner.


F*ck Your Feelings
Cousin marriage needs to be banned, that's why you lot look like this:mugshotman: and have the mental intelligence of a 10 year old. Stop making the next generation suffer with this bs.
Cousin marriage needs to be banned, that's why you lot look like this:mugshotman: and have the mental intelligence of a 10 year old. Stop making the next generation suffer with this bs.
Why are you in the Mans Cave Forum? :pachah1: You might have an unhealthy obsession with farax’s can’t even respect our spaces.