Did Somalis write with Sabean?

Are you a non ethnic somali because that would explain a lot of your previous comments :ohhh:

Plus your statement Is ludicrous your acting as if somalia pre 1960s was a single state. There are posts on here of letters from different regions of somalia written in somali in the Arabic script and your trying to say that every somali besides the benadiri who are solely concentrated in the South where the only ones who where literate :what1:
The vast majority of Somalis were illiterate. The Mass literacy campaign was aimed at teaching Somali nomads how to read and write. The Arabic scripts were written and used by the Benadiri community. Somalis didn't even have their own written alphabet until 1972. The vast majority of the population were nomads and they were illiterate. Stop making things up and saying Somali's used scripts lol.
Are you a non ethnic somali because that would explain a lot of your previous comments :ohhh:

Plus your statement Is ludicrous your acting as if somalia pre 1960s was a single state. There are posts on here of letters from different regions of somalia written in somali in the Arabic script and your trying to say that every somali besides the benadiri who are solely concentrated in the South where the only ones who where literate :what1:
They only learned to read and write in the 1970s. Most still don't know how to.
The vast majority of Somalis were illiterate. The Mass literacy campaign was aimed at teaching Somali nomads how to read and write. The Arabic scripts were written and used by the Benadiri community. Somalis didn't even have their own written alphabet until 1972. The vast majority of the population were nomads and they were illiterate. Stop making things up and saying Somali's used scripts lol.
Yes the vast majority of somalis where ilitrate my point was that the Arabic script wasn't exclusive like your trying to put it and was used by ethnic somalis.
for the most part it was exclusive to the ruling/scholarly class which is the case across most societies that had oral traditions as opposed to written ones.

I thought I made that clear I guess not clear enough.

I see you jumped over my question so you are banadiri. Very interesting πŸ€”
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Somalis didn't exist at the time. The first written record of the word Somali appears in the 15th century. At the beginning of the 1 century CE all the regions stretching up to Zanzibar were apart of the kingdom of saba. Mogadishu, Merca, Barawa, lamu and mombasa were all apart of the ancient kingdom of saba. Read the benadiri: The renewal of the millinery identity. Chronicles also indicate the existence of Arab/Persian civilization before the birth of the prophet mohamed(PBUH). The Saebans were maritime people with a large kingdom in Yemen. They used the seasonal monsoon winds to travel regularly to the East African coast. Arabs founded and established the coastal settlements along the Indian Ocean and Red Sea in present day Somalia.
Somalis did exist. It's just the name somali was first written by an Ethiopian emperor talking about the wars he fought including against us.

There's no evidence for your made up kingoms. Which book speaks of arab Persian civilization in as far as Somalia before the prophet.


The vast majority of Somalis were illiterate. The Mass literacy campaign was aimed at teaching Somali nomads how to read and write. The Arabic scripts were written and used by the Benadiri community. Somalis didn't even have their own written alphabet until 1972. The vast majority of the population were nomads and they were illiterate. Stop making things up and saying Somali's used scripts lol.
I don't dispute arab presence tho I'm asking for you to cite your source on what these statements you have made are based off.

Can you not just cite the extracts that proves your statements alongside the historical and archaeological proofs the authors uses to support there hypothesis?

because the discovery of old graves doesn't indicate that they founded anything like your suggesting rather that they where present. What extracts do you have that indicates they founded it and not just that they where present?

The Indian Ocean was the hot spot of the aincent world all sorts of stuff have wounded up there and people all over the world have travelled and settled there.
I see you edited your comment. I have provided numerous sources. You keep disregarding or ignoring them. It looks like you are struggling to comprehend complex academic literature.
Yes the vast majority of somalis where ilitrate my point was that the Arabic script wasn't exclusive like your trying to put it and was used by ethnic somalis.
for the most part it was exclusive to the ruling/scholarly class which is the case across most societies that had oral traditions as opposed to written ones.

I thought I made that clear I guess not clear enough.

I see you jumped over my question so you are banadiri. Very interesting πŸ€”
Yes it was exclusive for the ruiling religious class who were arabs not Somalis. Prior to the Italian colonial regime making Mogadishu a Capital and Somalia a republic, they collated the population of the city, they researched and studied the clan structure. They managed to record people based on their clans and identity. The documents are all there. The documents showed the Banadir people were the majority and they used Arabic scripts. I am not Benadiri. Somalis didn't even know how to write until 1972. They were primarily nomads who roamed around the desert.
Yes it was exclusive for the ruiling religious class who were arabs not Somalis. Prior to the Italian colonial regime making Mogadishu a Capital and Somalia a republic, they collated the population of the city, they researched and studied the clan structure. They managed to record people based on their clans and identity. The documents are all there. The documents showed the Banadir people were the majority and they used Arabic scripts. I am not Benadiri. Somalis didn't even know how to write until 1972. They were primarily nomads who roamed around the desert.
Are you done larping yet ??
Somalis didn't exist at the time. The first written record of the word Somali appears in the 15th century. At the beginning of the 1 century CE all the regions stretching up to Zanzibar were apart of the kingdom of saba. Mogadishu, Merca, Barawa, lamu and mombasa were all apart of the ancient kingdom of saba. Read the benadiri: The renewal of the millinery identity. Chronicles also indicate the existence of Arab/Persian civilization before the birth of the prophet mohamed(PBUH). The Saebans were maritime people with a large kingdom in Yemen. They used the seasonal monsoon winds to travel regularly to the East African coast. Arabs founded and established the coastal settlements along the Indian Ocean and Red Sea in present day Somalia.
Sure the ethnic term didn’t exist, but Somalis were known under other names before then, such as Berber, barabra,simur etc and the heartland or place of origin for the Somalis is recorded as being in the north, so why don’t we add 2+2 together, I think a pre Islamic south Arabian gene flow from modern day Yemen contributed to Somali dna moderately, certainly nowhere near the levels of the Habesha though.
Somalis are an oral-based society you dumb Incel. Somalis never had any scripts. Somalis only learned how to read and write during the afweyne mass literacy campaign in the 1970s. The Somali language didn't even have its own written alphabet until 1972. Siad Barre introduced a standard written version of the Somali language using Latin script. Only 5% of Somalia's population were literate before the mass literacy campaign undertaken by afweyne. The benadiri community constituted the 5% of the population that were literate. They used Arabic scripts. You are always using the words such as probably, maybe or suggest, to assert your ridiculous and laughable statements.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Ok I see your angle πŸ“, you dabaal caadcad, how can you lie this shamelessly


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You are quoting Wikipedia lol. That is not a reliable academic source. The benadiri community were the only ones who used Arabic scripts. Yusuf ibn ahmed wasn't even an ethnic Somali. He origined from arabia and settled in the Somali coast. What was his qabil if he was Somali?
Unless you can also back up your claim. Then you are also just speaking from hubris and have an Anti-Somali slant.
Sure the ethnic term didn’t exist, but Somalis were known under other names before then, such as Berber, barabra,simur etc and the heartland or place of origin for the Somalis is recorded as being in the north, so why don’t we add 2+2 together, I think a pre Islamic south Arabian gene flow from modern day Yemen contributed to Somali dna moderately, certainly nowhere near the levels of the Habesha though.
Not even moderately - nominally (5-10%). Most of your admixture is Levant Neolithic. Not Sabbean. That's a reach. Also, that admixture could be delivered by way of Ethiopians who have (25%). Who is to say it's a direct source?


Everything unuka leh
Somalis didn't exist at the time. The first written record of the word Somali appears in the 15th century. At the beginning of the 1 century CE all the regions stretching up to Zanzibar were apart of the kingdom of saba. Mogadishu, Merca, Barawa, lamu and mombasa were all apart of the ancient kingdom of saba. Read the benadiri: The renewal of the millinery identity. Chronicles also indicate the existence of Arab/Persian civilization before the birth of the prophet mohamed(PBUH). The Saebans were maritime people with a large kingdom in Yemen. They used the seasonal monsoon winds to travel regularly to the East African coast. Arabs founded and established the coastal settlements along the Indian Ocean and Red Sea in present day Somalia.
So somalis BOMB came from the sky in 15th century? Are you a dumb xoolo?
Even the sabeans themselves weren't referred to as Arabs "muh arabs"

Somehow all our coastal towns were established by Arab merchants WOW! What a fraud, wallahi people like you make me sick


Everything unuka leh
Yes the vast majority of somalis where ilitrate my point was that the Arabic script wasn't exclusive like your trying to put it and was used by ethnic somalis.
for the most part it was exclusive to the ruling/scholarly class which is the case across most societies that had oral traditions as opposed to written ones.

I thought I made that clear I guess not clear enough.

I see you jumped over my question so you are banadiri. Very interesting πŸ€”
Vast majority of the whole world were illiterate
Most people stated to write and read after the industrial revolution people 99.999% of the whole world was literally illiterate before that
Are you a non ethnic somali because that would explain a lot of your previous comments :ohhh:

Plus your statement Is ludicrous your acting as if somalia pre 1960s was a single state. There are posts on here of letters from different regions of somalia written in somali in the Arabic script and your trying to say that every somali besides the benadiri who are solely concentrated in the South where the only ones who where literate :what1:
they were exposed to be an shisheeye in another thread lol ignore their stupid comments
Vast majority of the whole world were illiterate
Most people stated to write and read after the industrial revolution people 99.999% of the whole world was literally illiterate before that
The vast majority of the world were not illiterate in the 1970s, You dumb incel. Stop projecting you foolπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Only 5% of the Somali population were literate in the 1970s. The industrial revolution started in 1760. Somalis were still illiterate after the industrial revolution. What advanced people we were lol.


Everything unuka leh
The vast majority of the world were not illiterate in the 1970s, You dumb incel. Stop projecting you foolπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Only 5% of the Somali population were literate in the 1970s. The industrial revolution started in 1760. Somalis were still illiterate after the industrial revolution. What advanced people we were lol.
We!? We're not the same people xoolo uraye

In 1970s there was a huge global literacy growth not just for us Idk why you always project bad things about us and never try to show some positive things about the people you claim to be one of

Nga you must take larp courses you really suck at it
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