"Did yk your lil sis is acting like a wh*re online?" Random man to my sister at the Mosque

In the west wearing a hijab is a "Process, Journey, Goal" It's not inherent like in Somalia. The most reasonable excuse I heard is that they have been harassed by islamophobes and are scared for their safety which I respect. However many times it's just out of wanting to beatify them selves. Unfortunately this is the major vice for women in this world, may allah swt make it easy for them all. It's the responsibility for Muslim men to create a safe space for our women folk. Especially for reer USA using our votes to lobby the policies we need for that sense of security to be achieved.

If that don't work buy a gun probably :damn:
Wallahi you are right. These gabdho need to take ownership and responsibility over themselves and their hijaab. Its a command and you MUST obey just like I will always lower my gaze you also have to cover. Its a win win
That's so sweet of your mom for not being judging bc if your cousin was forced to wear it they would just end up resenting it
The paradox is that my sister does and she’s critical of her. That’s how Somalia are, we criticize our own immediate family more than outsiders.
are you her dad if her parents are ok with it idk why as a random person you want to force her its weird all that will do is push people away from wearing one - also this is in the women den
Are your parents the anchor and basis for her or your morals?
Could you elaborate as to why you are not required to wear it?
I've worn it since I was 8. I was pressured to wear it ever it and wore it in the first place to fit in, I feared my friends and family would hate me if I took it off which lead me to resenting it, it also took a tool on my mental health. At 15 I broke down and told my mom how I felt and she let me take it off. She didn't want me to feel forced to wear it <3. Best decision ever mental health wise, don't regret it at all