Difference in names in Maay & Maxaa


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!

أ ب ر ا
ه م ← أ و ر ي ن چ

Abraaham ( Abraahm ) → Awreeng ( Ureeng ) .

the Greek word γᾰ́λᾰ ( gála , “ milk ” ) .
the Somali verb ( maal ) which means “ to milk ” .

You will also notice that there is a phonetic change
from phoneme / m / to phoneme / g / .

ancient Egyptian language 𓉐 ( per ) = Sanskrit पुर् ( pur )
= Greek πόλις ( pólis ) = Lithuania ( pilis )
= Somali language ( guri ) .

After these linguistic reviews , we conclude that the
phoneme / p / is equal to phoneme / g / and phoneme / m / and phoneme / w / .

In languages, the letter ( ba ب / m م ) is changed to
the letter ( y ي / w و ) or vice versa .

For example :
( Abraham أبراهم ) becomes ( مار أوراهم uraham / Oraham ) in the Syriac language .

Persian برف‎ ( barf ) means : snow
language " Northwestern Iranian language "
ورف ( varf, warf ) means : snow

in Somali language
aabbe : father
Aw Barkhadle = aabbe Barkhadle
( Blessed Father )
awoowe : grandfather,
waan = baan
= buu
= bay
= baad

Af-Maxaa: Baydhabo,
Maay: Baydhowy .

Good explanation
Cool & unique that af Maay preserved original Cushitic pronunciations like Oromo did while Af Soomaali and Canfar Af didn’t

The Cushitic languages such as the Somali, Afar and Rendille languages have the phonemes ( c ع ) ,
( x ح ) , ( kh خ ) , and ( q ق ) .

The absence of these phonemes in the Af-Maay and Oromo languages does not prove that these phonemes are acquired in the Somali, Afar and Rendille languages.

For example :

Ancient Egyptian
language triliteral root 𓈎 𓂋 𓋴 qrs ( qeres قرس )
means : to bury.

in the Somali the biliteral root ( qari قَرِ ) means : to hide , to conceal .

𓈎 𓂋 𓋴 qrs ( qeres قرس ) is a misreading by Egyptology experts,
The correct reading should be ( qaris قَرِسْ ) not ( qeres قِرِسْ) .
Ancient Egyptian was written without vowels .
so there is a convention anglicization to use the letter ( e ) for missing vowel sounds.​

The Ancient Egyptian word ( qrs ) transliterated as ( qeres ) in the Conventional Anglicization .
( qrs ) might have been ( qarus ) or
( qeras ) or ( quros ) or ( qerus ) or
( qares ) or ( qores ) ..... .

in the Somali , we have the biliteral root ( qari قَرِ ) which become :
qari قَرِ + s = qaris قَرِسْ ,
qari قَرِ + n = qarin قَرِنْ

It is clear that the letter ( q ق ) was present in the Somali language, and this appears in ancient Egyptian writings .

Ancient Egyptian language ( ḏ " x " حَذْ )
means : to be (come) white .
in the Somali (
cad عَدْ ) means : white .
ح " X , ḥ " = C ع

It is clear that the letter (
X ح , C ع ) was present in the Somali language, and this appears in ancient Egyptian writings .
