Disgraced Culusoow sells our women to abusive Saudis

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I agree. Besides, The girls going over there will not fix poverty. And second, it is not the only way to combat hunger. The men in their families need to do more.

They may help feed mouths that are hungry back home. Since early 1990s to this day, Somali women are the economic engine for families. It would not be the first time women worked to help their families. They are more caring when it comes to families. The men need to pull the weight, but today's Somalia, you have to be well connected to land a job anywhere in public sector. So men are limited.

Many men would sign up for the police and military if they get paid well and given professional training. But the money goes to Amisom while the potential recruits steal from the local market.

This trip might be better for the poor. If they fairly distribute the chance to travel among the needy Somali families, it might be helpful. I don't expect they will select these Somalis through lottery, but someone will benefit where they didn't before I hope.

I can criticize some poor Somali's choice for work from my comfort, but I remind myself I could be one of those Somalis getting an opportunity to do something for their families.
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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Sell is a strong word, do you have any proof that they were sold against their will?

Do you know, they have to meet a specific criteria and pay $350 before being allowed to go?

Your uncle bowing to raw meat eating Ethiopians instead of Allah.:uCkf6mf:

What a racket, these Mooryans are getting people to pay for their opportunities to work. :dead:

What is this criterea by the way, do they have to be young and beautiful? :dead:
What a racket, these Mooryans are getting people to pay for their opportunities to work.

What is this criterea by the way, do they have to be young and beautiful?
Here is an official letter from the recruitment office in south-west state.

Also they are not all 'maids' some are healthcare workers.
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