CCTV is a Chinese channel. Perhaps their viewers (in China) have bad English skills and only want to let them hear clearly spoken English?
I doubt any local in China watches CCTV English
CCTV is a Chinese channel. Perhaps their viewers (in China) have bad English skills and only want to let them hear clearly spoken English?
I doubt any local in China watches CCTV English
China is a heavily censored country. It wouldn't surprise me if Western news media was banned.
They can't even use Google nor Facebook.
Wa lagu xadgudbey yarka. Beelaha accent ka leh will have a meeting about this incident ASAP. This ni99q will not get away with this.
How about discussing the subject matter on hand instead of making a fuss about whether the guy was speaking English or not.
Hargeisa looks like a first world city masha Allah. Mohamed Osman is doing a brilliant job walee and should be commended for it. We need more anti-tahrib workshops like this all over the Horn. Nigga went as far as Cairo, Mogadisho, Djbouti, dubia and Malaysia to do these motivational and life skills seminars. Nothing of that kind has ever been done by any Somali. A pioneering initiative ragedii![]()
Have you seen the recent program in Qatar with Samira from Heersare Org, Mohamed Omer and Co.
That girl Samira is fine, Wax lagu aaso weeye
Abdul Aziz Billow has the worst accent. That's the funny thing.
What accent does he have? I can't tell.
It sounds sort of like a Black South African accent. How did a guy in Hargeisa get a South African accent?
Ah makes sense. Swahili is a Niger-Congo language after all like Zulu.