Could be, but that wasn't the point.She could be a Beja.
Could be, but that wasn't the point.She could be a Beja.
Most of us don't look like that. I don't know why it's so hard for some of you to stomach heterogeneity.
I've lived in Sudan for 20+ years, in 3 different cities (including the capital). There is no "majority" look but i've seen farrrrr more women that look like this:
Than that random girl you posted.
SisterBrother don't pay attention to these fools. They are just selfhaters. Sudani people are black and beautiful.
Sorry if I came across as passive aggressiveSorry for the misunderstanding. I edited my post.
Eid Mubarak Walaalo . God bless the nations of Arabs , Cushites and Berbers.Most of us don't look like that. I don't know why it's so hard for some of you to stomach heterogeneity.
I've lived in Sudan for 20+ years, in 3 different cities (including the capital). There is no "majority" look but i've seen farrrrr more women that look like this:
Than that random girl you posted.
What sudani tribe are they?My entire mom's side is Sudani and a little Yemeni and I'm a quarter Sudani, quarter Yemeni and half Somali. My maternal family only claims Sudani and they all speak Arabic even though they were all born and raised in Somalia and we all even look Somali and you wouldn't be able to tell us apart from normal Somalis lol
Most of us don't look like that. I don't know why it's so hard for some of you to stomach heterogeneity.
I've lived in Sudan for 20+ years, in 3 different cities (including the capital). There is no "majority" look but i've seen farrrrr more women that look like this:
Than that random girl you posted.
Not really... We rarely mix with other Africans but if we do then it's only with North Africans or people of the Horn.she does look very much Somali and have seen many many that look like us but by in large they mix with otha black Africans.
you make me cringe wallahi.Sister don't pay attention to these fools. They are just selfhaters. Sudani people are black and beautiful.
I dont see the real dark Bantu Sudaneese represented. Amun u r a racist
North Sudan is like 80% Arabized-Nubian-Beja.. dummy.
Nilotes are now mainly confined to South Sudan, the new country.