divorcing when wife gets career, good idea?? (only muslim men come in)

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Maids beat your kids while you two are at work. That's too much hassle. Just split up the work at home and chin up, you're a man :damedamn:

I would help her around the house the cleaner it is the less work and more time to spend with the wife


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
Whatever works best for the kids.
It's not even an answer that's black and white as some in this forum make it seem.
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Some of these Secular-men want their wife to work, but who do they think will do all the housework & tend to their kids (that's if they want any)? You can't expect your wife to work all day, please you, become a mother and keep the house clean all by herself.
This is why you always go for the guy with the 6 figure salary, he won't mind if you stay at home and raise the kids.
"Islamically". My brother, im muslim but critical thinking> islam on some things. This isn't the 7th century. Alot of you guys want an uneducated submissive broad who's also your maids. I pity your future spouses.

Lets not make assumptions sxb, just because I said women islamically have the free reign to work or not to work does not mean I want a subservient submissive cat. I prefer fierce strong women who will challenge my views and help me improve daily.

I don't mind if my wife works, but the moment she leaves her job and decides to stay home, then I will not harp her and go on a whole tirade on "Dual house income" because isalmically she has the flexibility :manny:

And I disagree with you there, Islam is a way of life that is applicable to any century/era, don't cave into those liberal reformist views presented by those those opportunist muslims.
"Islamically". My brother, im muslim but critical thinking> islam on some things. This isn't the 7th century. Alot of you guys want an uneducated submissive broad who's also your maids. I pity your future spouses.
Who will watch the kids, daycare? relatives?
Most will never take care of the kid the same way a mother/father will and the risk of all types abuse as well.
Western men are regretting this way of life you describe. They have made a MGTOW movement due to their spoiled women, demanding a lot while not contributing much, The western woman that make money don't even want to contribute to paying bills and say thats the mans job. She might spend on the kids but mostly on herself. She'll come home tired after working a third of what the man worked with half the pay and not have the energy to tend to the kids or other house duties. Is that worth it?
Even most muslim girls will tell you that what they make is theirs and what you make is for both. Nothing is better than this arrangement, most other ways will end up in persistent arguments and women feeling that their men are inadequate whoch finally ends up in divorce.

From even the most liberal ,equality crazed, danish men are now looking for asian women because they yearn for traditional roles while the danish women are moving, feeling inadequate with their men; yearning for something they don't really know. No surprise, that many scandinavian women are even going after the recently arrived fob.
is it good idea to divorce if wife decides she wants to work and not look after the offspring and maintain the home? if she changes her thinking after a few years and wants western style independence and money, how about the husband who have rights to stable home and being taken cared of, i am speaking to one female about marriage i want to make sure she's mentally fine because changing serious position like this in the future is a mental problem at minimum but can also be kufr.

In Somali nomadic culture the women wouldnโ€™t just sit in the โ€œHutโ€ and watch the kids. If the nomadic family holds a large equity of xoolo, the women would typically delegate tasks like cooking and child rearing to a servant that travels with them. A geeljires wife would maintain the xoolo (livestock/wealth) by keeping count of animals, attending to sick calves, and picking up the slack when the husband geeljire gets sick.

A Geeljires wife would be the first to help setup camp and built the temporary house/hut in a grazing ground. She is the builder of the home, since this duty rests on the female geeljire. The role of a Somali geeljire wife was to always contribute to maximized value of the families Xoolo.

In todayโ€™s society, youโ€™re going against our culture and increasing your families exposure to household failures. What happens if you get sick, loose a limb or pass away? What will your wife do? Do you think anyone will hire her after graduating Uni and staying home for 10 years?

Whatโ€™s disturbing to me is the amount of Somali males who are destined for a kamikaze self destruction of thier household xoolo by removing the wife from the equitation.

If you canโ€™t survive the desert without your wifeโ€™s help, what makes you think you will survive the capitalist landscape without her?


Lets not make assumptions sxb, just because I said women islamically have the free reign to work or not to work does not mean I want a subservient submissive cat. I prefer fierce strong women who will challenge my views and help me improve daily.

I don't mind if my wife works, but the moment she leaves her job and decides to stay home, then I will not harp her and go on a whole tirade on "Dual house income" because isalmically she has the flexibility :manny:

And I disagree with you there, Islam is a way of life that is applicable to any century/era, don't cave into those liberal reformist views presented by those those opportunist muslims.

Did you miss the part where is said "she can stay home if she wants whatever makes her happy"? But most women in this day and age dont want to live like our mothers did.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
We split chores and raise the kids together. A lot of these somali men barely know their kids because they've been solely raised by their mother's. That's why you have ao many young men on the streets in cities like toronto. I've witnessed first-hand the burden of raising kids and doing all the chores alone 24/7. Women born a raised in the west arn't built for that anyways, they'd snap after 2 years.
The thing is back home it's the norm father is outside more than home the wife doesn't get burdened because family and relatives are close by visiting and helping

But problem is that many continue doing this in the west where the wife got no other support and she becomes a father and mother to the children
Some of these Secular-men want their wife to work, but who do they think will do all the housework & tend to their kids (that's if they want any)? You can't expect your wife to work all day, please you, become a mother and keep the house clean all by herself.

Cost of living is going up, abayo. Most of us are not pushing six figures. We're at the middle-class level and we need support.

Might have to postpone having kids for few years then when we're ready, we can have kids. Marriage is not just for reproducing --- its all about team work


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac

Cost of living is going up, abayo. Most of us are not pushing six figures. We're at the middle-class level and we need support.

Might have to postpone having kids for few years then when we're ready, we can have kids. Marriage is not just for reproducing --- its all about team work
If other immigrant men can make over 6 figure salary with little to no qualifications then I don't see a reason why Somali men can't do the same.
Cost of living is going up, abayo. Most of us are not pushing six figures. We're at the middle-class level and we need support.

Might have to postpone having kids for few years then when we're ready, we can have kids. Marriage is not just for reproducing --- its all about team work

So you want someone to help you pay your own bills, miya abowe?

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