Not really. Unless the typical Somali female looks like a man.Looks like a typical Xalimo lol. Makeup is sixir
Not really. Unless the typical Somali female looks like a man.Looks like a typical Xalimo lol. Makeup is sixir
You can be but it absolutely violates teachings of Islam, Allah curses those women who emulate men, and vice versa. What about men who literally get surprise done to "become female"? Acudubillah get this abomination some help subhanallah!You can be trans and Muslim. Like he said it’s between him and Allah. I will not call him a her though but I respect him and each to their own.
You can be but it absolutely violates teachings of Islam, Allah curses those women who emulate men, and vice versa. What about men who literally get surprise done to "become female"? Acudubillah get this abomination some help subhanallah!
Respect samsam's preferred pronoun guys.
It's not like it's gonna kill you.
They are so reer badiye and insecure. You can be against someone's decisions and still respect their chosen name.
The trannies that look like men are the ones that didn't get surgery and hormone therapy yet and are simply just cross dressing. They are on the waiting list and are "in transition".
There are thousands of men today who are partnered with trannies that are not aware of it. In a few years they will be able to produce children thanks to science. Game over. The trannies have won the battle and will win the war. They will have accomplished more than the LGB have and will no longer be part of the acronym because they are now indistinguishable from women. They have stolen and used all of the LGB resources and advocacy and hijacked the movement only to leave when they used it like a tissue
LmfaoooLook how he looks proper like a Xalimoid, some dudes look proper jileec like that even without transitioning they look mad feminine and female-like with their fat ass facial cheeks.