Djibouti Anime Convention ๐Ÿ’€


โ™šSargon of Adalโ™š
lol keep watching your cringe Japanese cartoons.

Better watch yourself unc.

are people joking about thinking this humiliating clown show is a good thing or am I missing something?

This is repulsive and difficult to watch.
kkkkk it will always amaze me that the ethnically diverse Djibouti with Ciise iyo Canfari native population is far more peaceful than homogenous Somalia with everyone being genetic 4th cousins

The real reason is because Djibouti is a small state that is filled with military bases and is run by a dictator who is an obedient foreign puppet. He fulfills all their wishes and does not pose a threat to their plans.

It does not pose a threat.

Somalia is a large and religious country it is not easy to control. Which is why they try recreating that by dividing it into smaller more manageable territories with leaders they can control. They see it worked with Somalis in Djibouti.

They prefer chaos they can profit from then to let a religious or nationalist leader take control.

I find it so strange so many of you repeat UN or CNN talking points about the world and not realize how it actually works. Most people in 2024 are not as deluded anymore and more aware of what is really going on.

Thats a proper nerdfest, it sorta looks fun . I have never gone to these conventions like comic con even though i have friends and family that go , can't get myself into dressing up as cartoon characters. I feel cringe inside idky

kkkkk it will always amaze me that the ethnically diverse Djibouti with Ciise iyo Canfari native population is far more peaceful than homogenous Somalia with everyone being genetic 4th cousins

Djibouti is not really that different than Somaliland and Puntland regions if you think deeply about it. It operates much like a regional Somali state with one clan family that dominates the rest.

And Somalis are not genetic 4th cousins , Somalis marry people from a different family line.
If we married relatives we would be broken into multiple different ethnic groups because we would pull away from eachother & localize but we married our neighbors from another town, village etc and Somalis from other regions far away. In contact areas in smaller numbers with other ethncities we mix with them as well. Marrying out of your group was always encouraged in order to folster relations.
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kkkkk it will always amaze me that the ethnically diverse Djibouti with Ciise iyo Canfari native population is far more peaceful than homogenous Somalia with everyone being genetic 4th cousins
Somalia is splintered into many ethnicities, and clans, far from homogeneous.


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
Somalia is splintered into many ethnicities, and clans, far from homogeneous.
Somali is Somali

I'm ciise with roots in Ali Sabieh & Dir Dhaba and I have cousins who are Isaaq from Hargesia, Hawiye from Mogadishu ect.
Somalia is splintered into many ethnicities, and clans, far from homogeneous.

Clans are just family lineages just to clarify, they don't contain inherent differences that set them apart. The differences among Somalis are mostly just regional.

When people describe Somalia as homogeneous they are talking about relative to other countries in Africa, which are very diverse ethnically, linguistically and culturally in comparison. Ethiopia has like 30 different ethnic groups with 109 languages.

The reason for that diversity is geography due to groups being separated from each-others by mountains, sahara desert, savannahs or thick forests, creating geographical boundaries where people develop distinct linguistic and culture differences in isolation compared to flatter gently rolling terrains like plains and plateaus as in Somalia which facilitate easier movement of people, goods, and ideas. This promotes greater interaction and integration among communities, leading to more cultural and linguistic uniformity over time.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
NGL, I couldn't tell you who was Afar and who was Somali in those videos. There were some people who clearly are Arabs however
Djiboutian Afars look indistinguishable from Somalis. Itโ€™s pretty trippy. This artist is a perfect example

It's diverse when I lived tbere I had friends who were American, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Yemeni and loads of other foriegners.

But overall it's majority Somali and the foriegners will mostly be able to speak to you in Somali too
This is what an ideal world would look like, where foreigners and others are forced to learn Somali and not the other way around. But alas, that will only happen if you're wealthy and have lots of influence and soft power. Vision 2070.


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
This is what an ideal world would look like, where foreigners and others are forced to learn Somali and not the other way around. But alas, that will only happen if you're wealthy and have lots of influence and soft power. Vision 2070.
Yeah lol I was in a white American school for a few months and all the cadaans spoke af somali, the cadaan headteacher was a southerner and came out to speak with my uncle in perfect af somali for like an hour while I sat kn the car
Yeah lol I was in a white American school for a few months and all the cadaans spoke af somali, the cadaan headteacher was a southerner and came out to speak with my uncle in perfect af somali for like an hour while I sat kn the car
Which country? Djibouti? I can hardly imagine an cadaan guy speakng fluent Af Somali lmao


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
Do you live in Djibouti? Or did you grow up there?
I spent nearly 2 years there, wanted to stay but parents took me back to England cause education is better. My dad told me after a masters degree I can live in Djibouti again.


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
Which country? Djibouti? I can hardly imagine an cadaan guy speakng fluent Af Somali lmao
Yeah slap in Djibouti city, you'd see the most foreign people speaking af somali. Excluding other horners, it's Mostly Arabs, Yemenis and few Egyptians who will speak fluent Somali in Djibouti. Then after that you have whites. Many come in thr millitary hut alot stay to build business. Like that cadaan headteacher who created an English school and lives in Djibouti city permanently.