Why would u think America does indhoindoayn on all desert societies? it's because they know islam controlled the world markets 1400 years and they know the prophet said the highest gold exchange is camels so they visit desert societies and say their 'is lots of oil' in order to get those gold in return and store it away for themselves, there is oil everywhere in the world but there is no point digging it out if you cant give them gold for it. Because oil today is like how camels were back in those times, oil is the new camel currency and they only been using oil for 100 years now so their gold reserve isn't big like somalia which has been camel exporting for 1000 years now. Most of the civilizations in the world were indeed poor and why their gold reserves are not needed anymore because they spent it all on continuing civilization and had high expenses and therefore nothing is left over. The only gold left today is in desert societies because camel was the oil currency of its day plus they had no expenses bar a tent, they had food and and milk and they lived like that for 1000 years. That is huge surplus of gold and noone can deny it. That's why romans have no gold left anymore, they lost it all cuz they were building an empire, spending it on military, roads, offices, like america does now and is very poor in it's treasury kkk. That's why the prophet said make the camel the highest commodity because he knew arabs were on camels and he knew that wud be their 'breadbasket' to store gold when others would come with vegetables in syria, palestine, lebanon, egypt hence they are converted arabs not arabs by blood because a pure arab is a camel herder and fulfills the prophecy of prophet that he will be richer then anyone in the world