DNA test

He connects with those Italians roughly 4000 years ago. Meaning they separated 4000 years ago from a common male ancestor.

J2 is mostly concentrated in the northern half of the Middle East, Iran, India etc and around the Mediterranean but you get the occasional odd individual like this Somali who carry it. Could have had a Yemeni Jew ancestor or a Persian merchant that reached Makkah. Or perhaps could be child of an Italian. Anything is possible.
Yemeni Jew? I can work for the Roth Childs and rockefellers or start a bank! So many new opportunities
Also quick question what would I expect to get if I’m banu hashim? Also I’m surprised a large concentration of j2 DNA is from Azerbaijan.
Banu Hashim is confirmed J1-FGC11-FGC12-FGC8712- L859

J2 was born in and around the Caucuses. Many of the Mesolithic Caucuses hunter gatherers and Neolithic samples tested from those regions had them. These are the oldest J2 samples by far. You will most likely not get this J2. J1 however is more likely. It’s present in the Horn of Africa, Arabia etc and the Semitic speaking regions.


Garaad Awal

Former African
Wanna get a DNA test should I go for 23andme, yfull, myancestory? Furthermore what should I be expecting .paternal (ashraaf) maternal (digil y mirfle)
Ashraaf tend to be E-V32. One Ashraaf from Marka took the Deep-Y and was closest to Habar Awal & an unknown Toghdheer sample (either HJ or HY). The unknown Toghdheer sample and the Ashraaf sample have a tmrca (time to most recent common ancestor) of 1200 ybp (800 CE).

Wanna get a DNA test should I go for 23andme, yfull, myancestory? Furthermore what should I be expecting .paternal (ashraaf) maternal (digil y mirfle)
Go for 23andme.
Which ashraaf clan are you? , The ashraaf clan of xamar are Ashraaf Nadhiiri , Ashraaf Zubeyri, Ashraaf Jamalullayl , and Ashraaf Ba Sakutah from what I know. I've only seen results of Ashraaf Nadhiiri and they got G-PF3296.

Which d&m clan is your mum side?
I’m not sure about my dads tribe I don’t really know him that well so I couldn’t tell you much but on my mums side ayeeyo-Rahanweyn . Awoowe -Garre.
I’ll try and find out more about my dads side but I was told he was reer xamar specifically ashraaf
Is your mum side from bay, gedo or lower shabelle? You'll need to find out your dad's tribe because ashraaf alone is just a broad title.
Also do you guys have any useful information on ashraaf? I looked online and saw they claim they descended from the prophet Muhammad PBUH is there any truth to that? Have they contributed anything significant to Somali history that we know about and what kind of status do they have within Somalia. I was hoping to be a politician back home so any information is much appreciated . I don’t know of any prominent Somali leaders or sultans from that tribe I thought I could get away with claiming my maternal side but that’s not gonna work out ig. Any information is much appreciated I couldn’t find much on google
Yes, Shariif Caydaruus, a banadiri historian from Ashraaf Nadhiiri clan ,talks alot about ashraaf nadhiiri in his book , bughyatul aamaal and he's got another book dedicated to their brief history ,lineage and branches .

Banadiri Ashraaf tribes lived in Xamar, Marka, Barawa mainly and also Kismayo, Buulo Mareer, Shalambood, Buur Hakaba, Baidoa, Luuq , Baardhere and other large towns in southern interior. The first reer xamar mayor of xamar in 1960s was a shariif, as for sultans then each clan had their own sultan.

Ashraaf tribes of Banaadir had the highest social status amongst Gibil Cad tribes along with Mashaayikh tribes, You'd have a better chance being a politician representing your tribe rather than your mum's side . It's haram to larp another tribe even if it's your mother's tribe.
I don’t really know much about genetics but how do I understand what the genetic test means? Are there specific haplogroups that reer xamar have that aren’t considered Somali? I know about E1b1 but I heard rahanweyn have different genetics anyway so I’m wondering how that will affect my test. Forgive me if what I say doesn’t make sense I’m new to genetic studies and tryna find out more
Your autosomal dna wouldn't have an effect on your paternal haplogroup. Your DNA would be half from dad side and half from mum side, if your dad and mum aren't related then it would be much easier to differentiate, or you could get your parents to both test aswell


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