do any of you guys struggle in gaining muscle?

is gaining muscle a challenge for you?

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@Macalin M

Our men are usually skinny malnourished looking or calool weyn, the buff ones with muscles are rare.

If you look at west Africans they are naturally big bodied muscly types.

That's what I meant.

No offenso señor.



Sorry to break it to you but it's your genes.
That kind of attitude is what is destroying this society and creating incels.

That lie will make these youngsters lazy. I know first hand that it's easy to build muscle but it takes dedication and a good diet. We also have to eat a lot more, since we have a high metabolism until 25. Stop writing non sense, honestly this should be in the men's section since women clearly don't understand men's work outs.


Macalin M

Out here
@Macalin M

Our men are usually skinny malnourished looking or calool weyn, the buff ones eith muscles are rare.

If you look at west Africans they are naturally big bodied muscly types.

That's what I meant.
What do you expect from niggas that sit at home all day. You’d be surprised at the number of Somali yutes I see in the gym compared to young Madow yutes.

Also west Africans are usually around 5’8 - 5’10 Somalis usually a bit taller than that.


@Macalin M

Our men are usually skinny malnourished looking or calool weyn, the buff ones with muscles are rare.

If you look at west Africans they are naturally big bodied muscly types.

That's what I meant.

No offenso señor.

Nice bait. Everyone can hit the gym and then?? what?

Besides we've been through this already, it's a maternal gene. I do encourage faraxs to marry better latinas. So we can get tall and strong sons, or wait for eugenics. Either way....the future is looking good.



Also, the skinny Somali niggas aren’t just skinny. They’re skinny fat and that shit is unhealthy


Wll I was joking I love my skinny Somali bros.

Bulk up.
Eat lots of protein.
Drink water.
Bananas before work out.
Remember to stretch after so you don't get sore.