Do Isaaq still believe dhulbahante will return to them lol

Fadlan let’s refrain from insulting parents, this is simply a political discourse. tani waa dhaqan caruureed apowe.

It's not political discourse, these two people are spreading falsehoods because they are from other communities who have an axe to wield. There is zero reason for any MJ or Puntite, to start FKD with Dhulbahante or Warsangeli, waxba iskuma haysano.
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I think @Rayaale is MJ idk about @TheLand though. Either way it’s most impolite to insult someone’s mother over a statement this meaningless (because it’s not true in the slightest). Idk what’s up with @Rayaale’s statements though.

TheGoodMarehan's comment is heinous, we can agree on that.

Rayaale is not MJ, and he will show us a DNA result soon to prove this, watch this space.
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I'm isaaq myself and even know they're not coming back, why would they if we are selling our port for free? it's not going to benefit Khaatumo state. I wish this wasn't the case but it is which makes our case for independence zero to none.
Do not confuse concern with cuqdad abayo, I don’t have issues with anyone on here. I’m asking a pretty straightforward question.


There is a long history of people pretending to be MJ online, with the leading community being Kacaanists, followed by SNM and USC. Why they do it? Infiltration, spying, instigation. It's the same reason why Somalis back home, try to access tribal meetings they are not a part of. It's all based on political agendas, vendettas, you name it.

But what they don't understand is, MJs don't adopt people, stolen abtiris doesn't work either, and some of us have a special talent for rooting out frauds. So, waxba yaan lays daalin, even if we don't call someone a sheegad, yet, it doesn't mean we haven't figured it out.
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who’s MJ on here and who’s not? Because you make it seem like we have shapeshifters in our midst with accusations of sheegad being hurled at people annually.
She’s the only one on here who constantly makes these accusations against anyone and everyone lol. She clearly has issues with wanting to control others and she uses ‘sheegato’ as a way to divide and conquer. She will then tell users not to ‘talk to’ anyone she doesn’t like using these tactics. If you listen to everything she says and do as she tells you to though, then you are not a ‘sheegato’ lol. This way, she controls the narrative. It’s a stunning view into a her psyche and their deep need for a sense of power and control.
She’s the only one on here who constantly makes these accusations against anyone and everyone lol. She clearly has issues with wanting to control others and she uses ‘sheegato’ as a way to divide and conquer. She will then tell users not to ‘talk to’ anyone she doesn’t like using these tactics. If you listen to everything she says and do as she tells you to though, then you are not a ‘sheegato’ lol. This way, she controls the narrative. It’s a stunning view into a her psyche and their deep need for a sense of power and control.
She also accused me of not being Mj,you can agree to disagree on certain topics isn’t that the whole point of this forum everyone has his/her opinion.