Do people not fast anymore?

If you’re from the diaspora and are a qabilist you are embarrassing. These people live in the west by the generosity and richness of the cadaan man. In the west I can go to any city and get a job. But back home it’s divided by qabil lines. Whys it you get to benefit here in the west and not want Somalis back home to have such an experience.
If you’re from the diaspora and are a qabilist you are embarrassing. These people live in the west by the generosity and richness of the cadaan man. In the west I can go to any city and get a job. But back home it’s divided by qabil lines. Whys it you get to benefit here in the west and not want Somalis back home to have such an experience.
the thing is the reason they focus on their qabil is mediocrity. resources are scarce in Somalia and most of the land is underutilized and overgrazed. theses issues are in the whole country if qabil was a true measure of supremacy or morality the tuulos they have would be developed and, not a shithole. also, there are very few jobs so more than half our people are geeljires beholden to the land and not working productive jobs and they have no education.

if Somalia was a wealthy country tomorrow and people could easily get jobs, houses, and education, do you think anyone would listen to a jihadist sheik or a tiktoker doing fkd?
Somalia can't consistently provide its population with food, education, healthcare, and a generally better life. I'm going to call out the north right now, Somaliland and Puntland have been self-governing for basically 30 years, what's their excuse? it is just poor governance that people don't critically analyze because their second uncle twice removed is in power.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
the thing is the reason they focus on their qabil is mediocrity. resources are scarce in Somalia and most of the land is underutilized and overgrazed. theses issues are in the whole country if qabil was a true measure of supremacy or morality the tuulos they have would be developed and, not a shithole. also, there are very few jobs so more than half our people are geeljires beholden to the land and not working productive jobs and they have no education.

if Somalia was a wealthy country tomorrow and people could easily get jobs, houses, and education, do you think anyone would listen to a jihadist sheik or a tiktoker doing fkd?
Somalia can't consistently provide its population with food, education, healthcare, and a generally better life. I'm going to call out the north right now, Somaliland and Puntland have been self-governing for basically 30 years, what's their excuse? it is just poor governance that people don't critically analyze because their second uncle twice removed is in power.

To be fair to both Puntland and Somaliland, you're kinda hampered in terms of infrastructure projects and truly big funding you'd need for that kind of work if you don't have a functioning and fair government in Xamar and, in the case of SL, most other states and large investment pools don't view you as an independent entity they can sign massive deals with directly.

With the constraints they've had to deal with, northerners and Somalis in general have done remarkable job, wallahi. Somalis are truly a resilient.

Somalians are folks like you, Somalis from Somalia. I thought that was pretty straightforward. When I say Somalians that’s the Bosaaso blackie to the cadcad in Marka.

My fam's actually reer Sanaag. Pops was born in Laas Qoray and my great gramps migrated over from around Cal Madow and those general parts to Bosaso's general area despite being Dishiishe (basically the founding tribe alongside the Kabtanle). To this day a good cohort of my fam still inhabits places like Badhan, Ceerigaabo and the Cal Madow area. Why do y'all think I named myself after the tallest peak:

My paternal ayeeyo's mama was also Habar Yoonis and we're not at all estranged from that section of the fam. Pops even introduced me to some Habar Yoonis adeers as our relatives growing up.

*hugs Lander cousin*

To be fair to both Puntland and Somaliland, you're kinda hampered in terms of infrastructure projects and truly big funding you'd need for that kind of work if you don't have a functioning and fair government in Xamar and, in the case of SL, most other states and large investment pools don't view you as an independent entity they can sign massive deals with directly.
I think if they want to be seen as independent states they have to be judged as ones. I'll take the funding into consideration but what I don't understand is the lack of centralization. Hargeisa looks pretty good and idyllic but when you move further inland the shanty towns are staggering. small towns are so underprivileged it was kind of unimaginable to me as a hooyo mataalo. they should at least have a good tax base and spend on education. high standards to governance create fairer and more efficient governance this isn't a diss to the north, these issues exist in all of Somalia but I expect more from people who live in a somewhat stable state.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Nothing she said is false, to be fair. We are indeed a through and through ethnicity.
I don’t give a f*ck about ethnicty. This ethnicity conspired together to gencoide my folks and continue genocidal rhetoric against us. Once we get recognized we will change the country name and the name of the language. We are done with you guys.
Anyone claiming otherwise is being insane. And @kamek is sadly correct. I get the sense you're mostly trolling on this site but even if so, you are indeed a grown man with a wife and child and whose real face and identity can be quite easily connected to all these pseudonyms you use online as you've revealed where you generally live, your tribe and what you look like over the years on these sites. Bullying, in your own words, a "teenager" is really not a good look, niyahow, and frankly beneath a man in your station in life.
Not trolling. Somalians are scum of the earth and may your country continue suffer. I despise Somalians and millions of people like me exist. There is no brotherhood whether in ethnicity or Islam with Somalians. As midland Faysal Cali Waraabe once said, a xabeshi is closer to me than Somalians


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I don’t give a f*ck about ethnicty. This ethnicity conspired together to gencoide my folks and continue genocidal rhetoric against us. Once we get recognized we will change the country name and the name of the language. We are done with you guys.

Not trolling. Somalians are scum of the earth and may your country continue suffer. I despise Somalians and millions of people like me exist. There is no brotherhood whether in ethnicity or Islam with Somalians. As midland Faysal Cali Waraabe once said, a xabeshi is closer to me than Somalians

Sad Doctor Who GIF

You will always be a Somali brother to me no matter what you say, niyahow.
Not trolling. Somalians are scum of the earth and may your country continue suffer. I despise Somalians and millions of people like me exist. There is no brotherhood whether in ethnicity or Islam with Somalians. As midland Faysal Cali Waraabe once said, a xabeshi is closer to me than Somalians
why is your country a shithole?
Sad Doctor Who GIF

You will always be a Somali brother to me no matter what you say, niyahow.
Nah he a loser lets not claim him. Imagine being an Aabo with a kid and having this much hate. I wish he would claim Moroccan and just focus on their affairs. Also, he acting like his people havent engaged in massacring other people. Sad behaviour of a child of refugees. His parents should have aborted him.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Nah he a loser lets not claim him. Imagine being an Aabo with a kid and having this much hate. I wish he would claim Moroccan and just focus on their affairs. Also, he acting like his people havent engaged in massacring other people. Sad behaviour of a child of refugees. His parents should have aborted him.

What I find odd about the Garaad is that he lives abroad as a citizen of a foreign country and married an ajanabi woman. Nothing against out-marrying and I'm not shaming him for that—but given that, it’s likely his kids will also marry non-Somalis in Canada and so will their children, and within 1–3 generations, his descendants may no longer look Somali, speak the language, or even practice Islam seriously given his own liberal bend toward the religion.

Again, no shame in out-marriage, but if you're deeply invested in your homeland and qabiil, wouldn’t it make more sense to marry within your clan—or at least a northern Somali—and settle in Somaliland or somewhere closer to the region like Kenya or the Khaleej? As it stands, it just feels off—foreign wife, foreign passport, living far away in the diaspora, yet endlessly ranting with such vitriol about a homeland he'll likely never live in for the rest of his life.
Nah he a loser lets not claim him. Imagine being an Aabo with a kid and having this much hate. I wish he would claim Moroccan and just focus on their affairs. Also, he acting like his people havent engaged in massacring other people. Sad behaviour of a child of refugees. His parents should have aborted him.
i respect abdifreedom more actually that guy refuses to see himself as Somali which is more logically consistent than anything this guy could claim to be.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
i respect abdifreedom more actually that guy refuses to see himself as Somali which is more logically consistent than anything this guy could claim to be.

Abdifreedom is another case of cognitive dissonance par excellence. Major and regular mod on a Somali forum, regularly in contact with Somali relatives who keep him in clued in on the goings in the local Somali community, has admitted to travelling back there relatively recently, supposedly maybe married to a Somali but apparently also at various points a closeted gay man using his xaas as a beard, a gaal and an cadow of the Somali people. That nigga I can't take serious at all beyond him definitely being right-wing. Fun character, doe.

She’s a gaal Jabarti larping as Isaaq. I’ve seen so many throughout the years online and they eventually out themselves.

In your life have you ever heard of a unionist atheist Isaaq female? :dead:
I've heard of a lot more outlandish combinations.

Let's not forget @Yami was formerly gaal unionist,anti-SM,possessed and now currently an Isaaqnimo advocate. :lolbron:

Garaad Awal

Former African
What I find odd about the Garaad is that he lives abroad as a citizen of a foreign country and married an ajanabi woman.
Sounds like jealousy from a Somalian passport holder :dead:
Nothing against out-marrying and I'm not shaming him for that—but given that, it’s likely his kids will also marry non-Somalis in Canada
And? As long as they are Muslim. I’m not an ethno fascist like the faux Somaliweynists
and so will their children, and within 1–3 generations, his descendants may no longer look Somali, speak the language
Who cares.
, or even practice Islam
Keep wishing that. Muslim communities in the West will last centuries and will have its own unique identity.
seriously given his own liberal bend toward the religion.
Not liberal at all, I’m a traditional Maturidi Sunni that follows the Hanafi madhab.
Again, no shame in out-marriage, but if you're deeply invested in your homeland and qabiil,
Qabiil is passed down paternally. My son has no loyalty to any Somali clan but my own. Any Isaaq who marries a Darood is a traitor to their people.
wouldn’t it make more sense to marry within your clan—
Why you dick watching?
the Khaleej?
So I can be abused like Somalians in the Khaleej? I would probably get treated better than Somalians there as a Western Passport holder and an Arabic speaker.
As it stands, it just feels off—foreign wife, foreign passport, living far away in the diaspora, yet endlessly ranting with such vitriol about a homeland he'll likely never live in for the rest of his life.
It’s called tribal loyalty. Unbroken bond and you have no idea on what I do with my wealth or time in service of my people.