Do Somalis have no identity outside of being muslim? Well this somali girl thinks so.

If you saw my previous post you will see somali incels attacking a somali girl for being Christian and all the ajnabis saw it and think we are a crazy community, well I saw a tweet from a somali girl saying we have no identity other than being Muslim. What's your opinion on that?
their reaction to the girl is cringe but isn't something special to somalis but happens with many ethnic groups who nearly all follow one religion. I've seen on X also many assyrians, serbs, copts etc react like this too when one of theirs converted to Islam from christianity. Other majority muslim nationalities don't react like this even if their also very religious or extremists like pakistanis, afghans, indonesians etc because they all already have minorities of different religion in their countries
their reaction to the girl is cringe but isn't something special to somalis but happens with many ethnic groups who nearly all follow one religion. I've seen on X also many assyrians, serbs, copts etc react like this too when one of theirs converted to Islam from christianity. Other majority muslim nationalities don't react like this even if their also very religious or extremists like pakistanis, afghans, indonesians etc because they all already have minorities of different religion in their countries
I've honestly never seen it, I think this is something that we exclusively do in mass numbers I'm sure other communities do it but it's in small numbers and that's why u don't see it much nor does it go viral. The fact I and many other people don't know about it is telling while everyone knows somalis have this mentality because of these crazy group of guys.
I've honestly never seen it, I think this is something that we exclusively do in mass numbers I'm sure other communities do it but it's in small numbers and that's why u don't see it much nor does it go viral. The fact I and many other people don't know about it is telling while everyone knows somalis have this mentality because of these crazy group of guys.
yes, the differnece in the end is that when somalis do it it always go viral and that has to do I think with the fact that too many are permanently online in huge numbers and so directly drive up engagement on somali topics. For our size we are too known on the internet
Somalis exposed Richard Burton as a Gaal by the mere act of him standing up to urinate.

A few decades after colonialism, you have fully blown Somali Christians in the SYL.

Prior to colonialism we were an ethno religious Islamic group, hence our Collective surname “Somali Maxamed”.
Somalis exposed Richard Burton as a Gaal by the mere act of him standing up to urinate.

A few decades after colonialism, you have fully blown Somali Christians in the SYL.

Prior to colonialism we were an ethno religious Islamic group, hence our Collective surname “Somali Maxamed”.

We still are. Those "Christians" were few and either converted to Islam or died off. It was due to colonialism. They were orphans stolen.
To answer your question OP. Yes, Islam is an integral part of being Somali. It is part of our ethonogenesis as a people.

No one cares what "ajnabis" think or why they are upset about it. What a silly thing to be concerned about.

Of course gaalo would be upset about our Islamic identity, they always have and always will be.

Murtad will never be accepted by Somali society.


Coping through the 1st world
the one thing that unites somalis is the deen, take that away and there’s no ‘somalinimo’

Explain the civil war, the starvation in Somalia, Somaliland vs Somalia politics. Al-shabab terrorism that’s destroying Somalia and its national security.

Islam isn’t really doing our community a favour whether we need it or don’t. I will admit it did made us retain our conservative roots. But that hasn’t made us unite at all between us as a community. Think about how most Somalis would prioritise their clan or die for their clan over their religion. Majority of Somalis are Muslim and they follow Islam accordingly but it becomes superficial when we’re talking about clan politics.
If you saw my previous post you will see somali incels attacking a somali girl for being Christian and all the ajnabis saw it and think we are a crazy community, well I saw a tweet from a somali girl saying we have no identity other than being Muslim. What's your opinion on that?
Of course Somalis have an identity outside of Islam. That goes without saying.

But think about what that girl did for a second. Imagine some white guy converts to Islam, he would receive the same hatred. In fact you can search it up online and see for yourself, his own people turn against him. I can see where they are coming from. How many Muslim white guys do you know in America? Exactly.
Of course Somalis have an identity outside of Islam. That goes without saying.

But think about what that girl did for a second. Imagine some white guy converts to Islam, he would receive the same hatred. In fact you can search it up online and see for yourself, his own people turn against him. I can see where they are coming from. How many Muslim white guys do you know in America? Exactly.
She adopted by a christian family and grew up christian
If you saw my previous post you will see somali incels attacking a somali girl for being Christian and all the ajnabis saw it and think we are a crazy community, well I saw a tweet from a somali girl saying we have no identity other than being Muslim. What's your opinion on that?
It’s not really a Somali thing though. I’ve seen the same thing happen when someone from a traditionally Christian community leaves and converts to Islam. Because religion is usually very much intertwined with one’s culture and sense of national identity.

They’re no better than us. So why care about what they think? It’s not like they ever liked us to begin with.
Explain the civil war, the starvation in Somalia, Somaliland vs Somalia politics. Al-shabab terrorism that’s destroying Somalia and its national security.

Islam isn’t really doing our community a favour whether we need it or don’t. I will admit it did made us retain our conservative roots. But that hasn’t made us unite at all between us as a community. Think about how most Somalis would prioritise their clan or die for their clan over their religion. Majority of Somalis are Muslim and they follow Islam accordingly but it becomes superficial when we’re talking about clan politics.
The civil war would’ve been way more brutal if we weren’t muslim lol