Do women care about love?

When talking about the subject of marriage, I usually hear guys say they want a woman they love, that’s shorter then them and is fit. They don’t care about looks (unless you’re ugly) as much as women. Nor do they make it a priority. Yet the MOMENT I ask a woman about what she wants in a man, the first thing she mentions are “High income, tall, muscular and a big beard, he must be good looking to”. Obviously their is nothing wrong with having preferences, but I’ve never heard a somali woman say she wants to marry for love.


i think with my heart
as much as like to romanticise things.... i don't really care about love.. i just like the idea of it


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
When talking about the subject of marriage, I usually hear guys say they want a woman they love, that’s shorter then them and is fit. They don’t care about looks (unless you’re ugly) as much as women. Nor do they make it a priority. Yet the MOMENT I ask a woman about what she wants in a man, the first thing she mentions are “High income, tall, muscular and a big beard, he must be good looking to”. Obviously their is nothing wrong with having preferences, but I’ve never heard a somali woman say she wants to marry for love.

Well u fall in love after seeing what u like right? Love is seeing, liking, loving, lusting, etc etc in that order
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When talking about the subject of marriage, I usually hear guys say they want a woman they love, that’s shorter then them and is fit. They don’t care about looks (unless you’re ugly) as much as women. Nor do they make it a priority. Yet the MOMENT I ask a woman about what she wants in a man, the first thing she mentions are “High income, tall, muscular and a big beard, he must be good looking to”. Obviously their is nothing wrong with having preferences, but I’ve never heard a somali woman say she wants to marry for love.

I refuse to participate or respond anymore unless I know original posters ages from now on lol. Apparently I’ve been chatting seriously with bunch of teens here smh. Aren’t you kids suppose to me on Reddit or Instagram or at school?? Lol why is this forum 95% kids? 😂😂😂
Even me, someone who is obsessed with love is tired of these recycled jacayl/marriage related threads

Xashiishka ku tuur
they do care about love but it’s not the same way as men, women will always have someone to love her if she’s decent looking. what is love anyways? most people got their idea of love from social media/tv shows we grow up watching. Like the previous comment stated, women are hypergamous and they will drop you for the next better guy, only thing that’s stopping them from doing that publicly is cuz of ceeb culture. they will act submissive and miskeen to use you for ur money/kids and than they will start acting different once they know they lock u down and if u say anything back, she will paint you in a bad imagine to others, divorce you, and all of a sudden she’s a “nag nool” now.
Men only care about offering love when they’re broke. Otherwise, they know a woman needs to be with a guy who’s financially stable because it makes her feel secure. Real men step back and get their ducks in a row before attempting to court a woman. They don’t negotiate with her about compromising her needs, only low value men do this.

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member

There is some truth to this statement kkk

In the animal world, reproduction is considered a depreciating act. Energy will be lost. Resources and time are also needed to get the best outcome. Not only does the female animal risk her health and body but if she chooses to breed with a weak male (lacks genetic fitness and ability to accumulate resources), the baby dies young.

So yeah, if human are considered intellectually superior, you can imagine the things that go in the average woman's mind when she meets a man who could "potentially be the one". Things like intelligence, personality and commitment also get into the equation but that does not mean we'll ignore the baseline which is genes and resources. Even if it is not a long term relationship, any entanglement that could potentially led to pregnancy is viewed from this perspective.

Sometimes, these assessments happen subconsciously within the first meeting. That is when you hear things like, "He really seems like a great guy but... "

Now you know.
Don't take it personal.
We do it for the babies. 🙃


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
View attachment 161919
There is some truth to this statement kkk

In the animal world, reproduction is considered a depreciating act. Energy will be lost. Resources and time are also needed to get the best outcome. Not only does the female animal risk her health and body but if she chooses to breed with a weak male (lacks genetic fitness and ability to accumulate resources), the baby dies young.

So yeah, if human are considered intellectually superior, you can imagine the things that go in the average woman's mind when she meets a man who could "potentially be the one". Things like intelligence, personality and commitment also get into the equation but that does not mean we'll ignore the baseline which is genes and resources. Even if it is not a long term relationship, any entanglement that could potentially led to pregnancy is viewed from this perspective.

Sometimes, these assessments happen subconsciously within the first meeting. That is when you hear things like, "He really seems like a great guy but... "

Now you know.
Don't take it personal.
We do it for the babies. 🙃

Lol that is why one should knock them up as soon as possible.
View attachment 161919
There is some truth to this statement kkk

In the animal world, reproduction is considered a depreciating act. Energy will be lost. Resources and time are also needed to get the best outcome. Not only does the female animal risk her health and body but if she chooses to breed with a weak male (lacks genetic fitness and ability to accumulate resources), the baby dies young.

So yeah, if human are considered intellectually superior, you can imagine the things that go in the average woman's mind when she meets a man who could "potentially be the one". Things like intelligence, personality and commitment also get into the equation but that does not mean we'll ignore the baseline which is genes and resources. Even if it is not a long term relationship, any entanglement that could potentially led to pregnancy is viewed from this perspective.

Sometimes, these assessments happen subconsciously within the first meeting. That is when you hear things like, "He really seems like a great guy but... "

Now you know.
Don't take it personal.
We do it for the babies. 🙃

well said :vncu2n5:

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
Lol that is why one should knock them up as soon as possible.

@Molotoff you have it all wrong walal.
If you go about it this way, you won't have princess charming by your side and now an innocent child is also brought into the equation.

The good news is, looks and money are subjective and depends on each woman's standards. All is not doom and gloom :icon e biggrin:


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