Do you guys see any hope for Somalia in the near future (ie by 2034)?

By 2034 you say ? I dont think so. its too soon. Compare 2024 to 2014. No big difference at all. Sadly Somalis are too low IQ to run a succesful country. Only chance Somalia to become somewhat close to normal is if al-shabaab gets defeated and some high IQ politician like AAW becomes a president.


Let me guess you are a hawiye and your singular heroes are mooryans.

Keep bending down. Its the only thing you excel in.
Yes I am Hawiye My hero’s aren’t mooryaan I’ve already talked about how much I hate criminals.Telling me to bend down since it’s the only thing I excel at I’m 16 you weirdo.I’m telling you not to wish murder on someone that’s haram.


Likelihood of me seeing the state get better is slim however it's not zero. I can only work for my own future right now, educate my kids to be the type of Somalis the state desperately need. Educated and God fearing. Inshallah things change. It's all in Allah's hands, he gives and he takes away. So make duas for the nation.

Garaad Awal

Former African
You guys make this thread once a month. Somalia is doomed and make sure to thank Allah that you were born & raised in the West instead of your parent's hellhole (which they escaped from).
Everything I read about the political situation nowadays depresses me, more kowtowing to foreigners, ATMIS extension, The war against al shabaab slowing down, More tribal wars, PL cutting itself off from the federal government, etc. Do you guys see anyway that Somalia could become functioning by 2034? I'm not asking for it to become a superpower but atleast, like, have a higher HDI than Togo and Malawi.
I am not so sure. Prime minister Hamza is just wasting his time atp. But only Allah knows what’s going to happen we do not.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
not until all these langaab oldies and their followers are thrown out. Qabyaalad should be severely punishable. f*ck those langaab oldies who destroyed our people's homes and land. I would tell the youth to wake up or their kids will be caxooqti in some white mans country.
He’s just a weirdo who likes to talk down on hawiye but I’ve got him figured out
He wants his aabo farmaajo back. It’s not like farmaajo will be able to improve the lives of beesha Marexaan let alone Somalia. All farmaajo will do is hide in the villa and chew khat.


Somalis need to be forced into serfdom to farm

You are a disgusting person what is wrong with you imagine saying this
The Office Lol GIF by NETFLIX
Trust me theres much worse, this poor djiboutian man was abducted in bosaso and tortured for 15 years by americans he was handed to them by puntland authorities. He was just looking for his daughter poor man.
The handed over fisherman to India two months ago. Somalis are prostitutes of foreigners who have sold their dignity for money. Cursed people.