Do you guys still eat with your hands

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
At home, everything by hand. Im judging you if you eat bariis iyo hilib with utensils.

Publicly no unless its an somali restaurant.


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Depends. If its too spicy i will not. Ate ethiopian once and that berbere was stuck on my hands for 3 weeks its like parfume.

if its not spicy I will do it at home.

Was working on the oil rig and this farax ate food with a consistency of suugo with his hands infront of everyone in the dining hall. I had to move away from him. Read the room, fuckin jaahil😂
I know exactly what type of person you are and its not good either Actually disgusting 3 weeks ?? even 3 days is crazy. Maybe 3 hours would be believeable but you cant wash your hands properly but you call soemone a jahil for eating Probably something like Soor that your White washed Self couldnt properyly undersand
Was working on the oil rig and this farax ate food with a consistency of suugo with his hands infront of everyone in the dining hall. I had to move away from him. Read the room, fuckin jaahil😂

That's a fellow Somali brother tho. I assume only you and him are the only Somali people there. You should've had his back
That's a fellow Somali brother tho. I assume only you and him are the only Somali people there. You should've had his back
Some people are beyond saving, somali or not we are in a professional/corporate settings its cut throat. How old are you ?
I know exactly what type of person you are and its not good either Actually disgusting 3 weeks ?? even 3 days is crazy. Maybe 3 hours would be believeable but you cant wash your hands properly but you call soemone a jahil for eating Probably something like Soor that your White washed Self couldnt properyly undersand
Forest Whitaker Laughing GIF
I dont mean literally 3 weeks, but figuratively you autismo. That berbere stays on ones hands atleast a full day.

soor is starchy and have a firm consistency, this was theyr version of fuul/soup type, the saliid was dripping of his lips as he kept smacking and eating. You call that probably civilized lol

Listen why on earth would one violate the social etiquette and eat liquidy food with bare hands in a dining hall? A fool like you would probably do a disservice on your self and the others around you. I’d stay the f*ck away from people like you, white or black dont mean shit. Everyone was staring at him like he grew out an extra set of head
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32. What was he like apart from how he eats?
Loud, posts him firing guns on snapchat, talk broken in native language (on purpose) and is obnoxious. Before anyone get a wrong idea this behaviour knows no race, age, culture or sex. He just happens to be on of them.

We were 4 somalis on the installation. The mud engineer is a somali, and you have a maintance engineer who is a xalimo and then you got me and him, he is a mechanic.