Do you have loyalties to politicians?

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I'm not against it and I'm not pro. I just don't care for it.

That makes sense. Somalia for me is just somewhere we can have total economic and social freedom as Somalis. I would love a strong state and military but not in our faces controlling us just defending our freedom from invasion that's its . It's all a dream.right this minute.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm not against it and I'm not pro. I just don't care for it. Somali weyn is not in my 100 top list priorities.
I'm not at all surprised since you're conceited, self obsessed, I bet all hundred top list is all about you, considering your old nick is idol Iol


To answer your question, I only have loyalties to politicians who are for Puntland, who want to provide desirable leadership. My motto is either you're 100000% with us or against us. I'm not for the kumbaya lets all eat, my people will eat first.
When a child is taught survival of the fittest instead of seerah and fiqh, this is the outcome.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
He's still the Prime Minister of my country and I'll pick him over foreigners. It's very easy to criticise members of the government from our comfy seats here in the West.

Omar Abdirashid had a UN job with various International offices, he didn't need to come to Somalia and join the politics there, especially seeing as his Dad was assassinated and that memory could be fresh in his head, so respect to him for giving his services.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I use give him benefit of the doubt. But he proved to be a light weight. I was never loyal to people but to ideas and vision.
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