Do you know anyone who committed suicide?

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I know of seven.

One guy was a Somali. One of the biggest drug traffickers in Ottawa. It happened a few days after he bought his mother a home. But his mom didn't want the house - she knew where the money came from. He was already suffering from depression before this but this only made it worse. He shot himself in his car.

Another person was a Somali girl who was depressed in Ottawa. She was on her balcony while speaking to a friend on the phone. Suddenly she threw herself off the balcony. An Arab friend of mine happened to saw the whole thing a few meters away.

The third person was another Somali who got his pink slip from the government. He became depressed because he just got married and bought a home. He too shot himself in his car.

The fourth person was a young man in Hargeisa. He used to take me around town and held my hand everywhere. He was a good man. He was depressed about for many reasons: deaths in his family, unemployment and felt alone. He stabbed himself in suuqa. He was very special to me and I feel sad not being there for him despite the big language barrier. He used to protect me from the other neighborhood kids who called me "Oromo" and "dhaqan celis".

The fifth person was at my high school, a bullied Korean kid. I saw him at the halls but never personally knew him. He killed himself in the school washroom stall during lunch. There were grief counsellors that came and tried to calm down his friends. It was a sad day.

The sixth person was a Somali girl who hung herself in a washroom at her home. Don't know the details. She was a recent immigrant to Canada. I knew of her.

The seventh person was another Somali girl who jumped from the bridge and into the river. Don't know the details. I knew of her.

When I read the first sentence of the first person in your list I thought he was the only Somali person you knew to have committed suicide and the rest would be non-Somalis. As it turns out, only one is non-Somali and six of the seven people you know who have committed suicide are Somalis. Funny way to introduce such a list: "One guy was Somali". And what about the rest? Non-Somalis? lol

Anyway, take your medicine and you shall be fine, buddy. :)

And no, I don't know anyone, Somali or otherwise, who I was familiar with to commit suicide..................... so far.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Ive known a few but not Anyone close to me.

First one was this light skin dude who had hard time finding work cuz of his criminal past he beat up a cop with lethal force served some time and started selling drugs got depressed when his gf broke up with him and hanged himself in a park that same day

2nd one was this kurdish fella really Nice guy always with a smile on his face he was with this girl for 6 months told her how he felt about her she saw him more like a good friend he was a wreck the guy wasnt himself no more smiles or laughs just an empty stare. One the night of his suicide he was speeding on the freeway and texting the girl that hes gonna die today. His car flipped and as the car was burning he texted her one last time. My skin is melting hope ur happy with what u did to me

3rd one was this somali guy who was selling all kinds of drugs and had alot of enemies apparently he owed his best "friend" 5K dollars and he couldnt pay it up he told him if you dont pay up I will go to your moms house and kill whoever open the door. The guy told him meet me at the train station i got your money the guy come to the train station with his gang and they see The somali dude jumping in front of a train.


Scheming from Salaxley
One of my closest friends committed suicide less than a week before uni started. He had it all, highest grades in school, student body president, and literally had every girl under his finger. I still won't forget the day Hooyo called me asking me where he is after his mom called my house saying he never came home...

Depression can hit anybody and wallahi it can be the most brutal things that someone has to go through. In hindsight I wish I could have done something to help him snap out of it, but qadrAllah it was meant to happen like this.
This is such a depressing thread.

I don't know of anyone who has committed suicide either but I've heard stories too.

It's always painful to hear about a Somali committing suicide. It's becoming more common now since we live in such a disconnected world and in our community mental health issues aren't taking seriously. Depression is seen as just having a weak imaan. Sad really.


A Somali. Smart young man with everything at his feet and to this day no one knows why he did it.

My neighbour. She had multiple health problems and talked about suicide for years and we didn't take it seriously. She developed dementia and eventually overdosed. Her daughter told us about it when she came to clear her house.


An arab lady neighbour of mine committed suicide because she use to get abused by her husband. The authorities said she jumped from a bridge, makes me so sad wallahi.


That happens a lot here. Every now and again there's a story in the paper's about a woman who commits suicide because of spousal abuse.
Alhamdulillah I don't know anyone personally who committed suicide.
In my local area a Somali guy -a friend of family friend -jumped from his balcony when his fiancee ended their relationship. Apparently he was university graduate and had a great future ahead of him -very sad. And very sad reading all these Somalis committing suicide. :(
Personally, I don't know anyone who committed suicide. I heard about several somali people who ended their lives by committing suicide. One story I can vividly remember is about girl who was in medical school. She committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. She failed one class and that trigger her to killed herself. She thought the teacher failed her because he was being racists. I heard she was very smart girl.


Damn, you know seven? I've barely know anyone close to me that committed suicide.
Most of the boys i grew up with are now six feet or behind bars because of gangs related issues.
4 of my boys died within one year, Seattle is hot sometimes man. I'm glad i took a break.
Damn, you know seven? I've barely know anyone close to me that committed suicide.
Most of the boys i grew up with are now six feet or behind bars because of gangs related issues.
4 of my boys died within one year, Seattle is hot sometimes man. I'm glad i took a break.
Thats very sad. I wonder why a lot of somali boys are in prison. I think MN is the worse. Halkaan somali boys wayka buuxinee jailka.
Damn, you know seven? I've barely know anyone close to me that committed suicide.
Most of the boys i grew up with are now six feet or behind bars because of gangs related issues.
4 of my boys died within one year, Seattle is hot sometimes man. I'm glad i took a break.

I know about a dozen people who died in gang violence. One of my good childhood friends who was a religious guy died because of mistaken identity.

Your parents try to shield you away from these things but its impossible


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
A family friend of are's. She was the happiest girl you could meet. She was working so hard to become a nurse and she did, everything was going well. She got a job with in a month of entering the job market. One week in and she did it. I was never told how but there house till to this day is so quiet.
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A family friend of are's. She was the happiest girl you could meet. She was working so hard to become a nurse and she did, everything was going well. She got a job with in a month of entering the job market. One week in and she did it. I was never told how but there house till to this day is so quiet.



In most Western countries somewhere around 10% of the population is on some kind of mental drug. They have suicidal thoughts as a side effect.

This is why white people kill themselves more often than non-whites.
In most Western countries somewhere around 10% of the population is on some kind of mental drug. They have suicidal thoughts as a side effect.

This is why white people kill themselves more often than non-whites.
Dont forget asia. The country with the highest rate of suicides is south korea. It is very common in japan too. Have you heard of the suicide forest in japan. Quit terrifying .

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
If I was a Khaniis I would've shot myself right between the eyes bc ilaahoo nin iga dhigay ban iri sida naagaha ha lii isticmaalo
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