Lion balls? Kangaroo? Dog meat?
Your palate!
Yes Mate, I appreciate and can distinguish different flavours, but let's not forget all cultures who are carnivores are acquired tastes via enculturation. I don't mind trying other cuisines and my boundary is cannibalism. The craziest thing I ever ate was witchetty grubs. It is an Australian Aboriginal main dish and basically, it is worms eaten either raw or cooked. When I told my Chinese friends that we Somalis eat camels, they were perplexed and asked me, if it tasted like human flesh and if there were Somali tribes that eat humans. We eat different animals and as a dog owner and lover, I don't see anything wrong if some cultures in South East Asia eat dogs because these dogs are specially harvested for human consumption. The overwhelming majority don't consume stray or domestic dogs. Ethnocentrism in what animals humans eat is rife among all the different cultures.