Do you regret

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Chemical is not bad in the emirates because you can work for national oil companies like ADNOC if you have connects. But Civil in my opinion is the epitome of engineering. Also there's no shortage of work. You can work road and highways, municipal sewers, high rise buildings, designing, transit etc etc. Maybe that's just because I have a bias lol
I think civil or industrial will be best.
How's the job market post graduation? Do ppl get good work. Also would the pay for a second degree

Depends on what field you get a degree in. I got a degree in a field with pretty much 100% employment rate and this will stay for the next 20 years. But degrees in history or art is a bit harder to find job in.

You're confusing two different things. We get payed to study, and that uni is free. We get payed for a limited time, but uni is free for ever. You can get 10 degrees for free, but since the pay is limited, you only get payed for the first degree(i think). After that you have to work on the side to afford rent, food, etc,. No matter how many degrees you have, uni will always be free.

The money we get to study is not that much. Like 1000$ a month, for some that is enough, for others its not and they will have to work part time while studying.

One last time uni is free, no matter how many degrees you get. Its all payed with tax money. So no student ever has to pull out his wallet to pay the uni.
Depends on what field you get a degree in. I got a degree in a field with pretty much 100% employment rate and this will stay for the next 20 years. But degrees in history or art is a bit harder to find job in.

You're confusing two different things. We get payed to study, and that uni is free. We get payed for a limited time, but uni is free for ever. You can get 10 degrees for free, but since the pay is limited, you only get payed for the first degree(i think). After that you have to work on the side to afford rent, food, etc,. No matter how many degrees you have, uni will always be free.

The money we get to study is not that much. Like 1000$ a month, for some that is enough, for others its not and they will have to work part time while studying.

One last time uni is free, no matter how many degrees you get. Its all payed with tax money. So no student ever has to pull out his wallet to pay the uni.

janadal ard baad kunooshihiin. It shows your government loves it's people, anaka we're like a commodity :heh:. I know cats in 50k debt, and interest accumulating:jcoleno:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Depends on what field you get a degree in. I got a degree in a field with pretty much 100% employment rate and this will stay for the next 20 years. But degrees in history or art is a bit harder to find job in.

You're confusing two different things. We get payed to study, and that uni is free. We get payed for a limited time, but uni is free for ever. You can get 10 degrees for free, but since the pay is limited, you only get payed for the first degree(i think). After that you have to work on the side to afford rent, food, etc,. No matter how many degrees you have, uni will always be free.

The money we get to study is not that much. Like 1000$ a month, for some that is enough, for others its not and they will have to work part time while studying.

One last time uni is free, no matter how many degrees you get. Its all payed with tax money. So no student ever has to pull out his wallet to pay the uni.

Our government cares about its people. I'm glad our taxes go to education as well as efficient health care and social safety net.

Less than 2% of the Danish budget goes to the military spending. The US 57% of their budget goes to military spending.
This is a interesting topic good to see more educated people, myself I'm studying a double degree in Law/microeconomics my ambition is to become a prosecutor so that's pretty much where I'm heading, I have some regrets in regards to education, I wished I didn't deley my first year, but i feel sorry for those students in debt, my advice to people is avoid social degrees, and aim for difficult and more rigorous courses, you will thank yourself later


No I don't, But I am planning to go back and do my masters. Its properly the best time to go back to studies as the job market is shitty.

@somebody, do something you enjoy but at the same time know it will get you a job once you finish your studies. I had few friends who did degrees because they were "cool" or their parents wanted them to do it, and later they got stuck in areas they didn't like.
do you plan to stay in the ME? if so, civil would really benefit you because of all the damn projects they have.
I am not sure. If I will get paid a lot maybe. There is always some project going on here in UAE. So I think there will be a good opportunity. But if I can get a chance in Europe or Africa especially Somalia or Ethiopia, then I will go for either of them.
No I don't, But I am planning to go back and do my masters. Its properly the best time to go back to studies as the job market is shitty.

@somebody, do something you enjoy but at the same time know it will get you a job once you finish your studies. I had few friends who did degrees because they were "cool" or their parents wanted them to do it, and later they got stuck in areas they didn't like.
Thanks for the advice.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Guys do computer science or networks. In this age of technology you need to be technical and brushed up on softwares. If you can code you will always find a job.
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