Do you say I love you…?


Here is why....

The people you love can leave at any moment, just like you can. No one belongs to you, people die all the the time. So why not let them know how much you love them while you or they are here.

Life is short.
Yeah, I say it to my parents or siblings if they’re nearby whenever I’m leaving the house :): “wan idin jeclahay, fi amaan allah.” I’ve noticed it’s ceeb for some people though.
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runta ayaan kugu qarxin
Yeah, I say it to my parents/siblings if they’re nearby whenever I’m leaving the house :) “wan idin jeclahay, fi amaan allah”. I’ve noticed it’s ceeb for some people though.
Upper class coon
Lemme guess, you have a dishwasher and live in a "modest" 9 bedroom property as well

Here is why....

The people you love can leave at any moment, just like you can. No one belongs to you, people die all the the time. So why not let them know how much you love them while you or they are here.

Life is short.
that is sweet but I think actions are much better than words.

having known people who use "love bombing" and are the meanest people, I now have zero care for things like I love you, sweet words, compliments etc. and they actually make me feel suspicious and uneasy 👀


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Yes; only to family.

As for romantically, that is a different story. I have never said it to a suitor. I cannot say that to someone who is not a sure thing - spouse. It would be an interesting exercise to see what a prospect thinks about this notion.

However, considering the level of guardedness among many Somalis and their distrust of such words or flat affect regarding affection. I find that notion quite troubling. I do not think one is capable of love with a closed heart. I also think to have a heart that is not discerning is also problematic. Some people are incapable of love. While others exclaim love falsely with an end in mind. And some fall in love with such frequency that you cannot even determine their sincerity. You assume they are merely caught up in hormonally excitement. Or perhaps more into the idea of love than the actual person. Substitute the person and nothing would change.

Also, how can one love someone who has falsely portrayed who they or changed themselves for the object of their affection. Rather then staying true to who they really are.

Compliments are fine provided they are authentic. I do not think one has to be stingy in this regard nor deluge/flood you with them making it seem forced and unreal 🤔. Balance is key.
The best love is self love

Happy I Love Me GIF by Pudgy Penguins


Sidii roon Raba og
To your kids or parents?

Only the female members of our family get the word macaan attached to. Like I call my Hooyo: " Hooyo Macaan"

Eedo Macaan
Ayeeyo Macaan

But the male side of our family don't get any affection we just call Aabo, Adeer or Awoowe.


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