Do you tell people ur Somali

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
@Farah717 did one of these people lower your self esteem ?

I’m from Somalia. I do not shy away from saying it or feel shame. At the end of the day we can die any second so why should I be scared of how people perceive me? Also, we are Muslim. We will be returning to our lord soon. We need to be focussing on how we can be the best people through Halal means. We should not be worshiping or afraid of people and nations that have engaged in Haram means to build themselves up. By haram means I mean for e.g, like enslavement and exploiting/harming third world countries for their resources.
The Muslim world has engaged in slavery and conquest

Garaad Awal

Former African
Somalilander and I tell them we are the Taiwan of East Africa. I educate every ajanabi about Somaliland. I’ve met folks who already knew about us many times in various countries.

The SL propaganda will continue until the day I die. My son once he is old enough will tell people he is half Somalilander :fittytousand:
“Where are you from? Somalia I’m guessing”

“No actually im from puntland which even though it was declared an autonomous state in northeastern Somalia it was once the ancient kingdom of Punt which had strong trade links with Egypt exporting goods all over the world 🤓



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
If I do something good, impressive or kind and someone asks me where I'm from I smile and say "I'm Somali". If I've somehow fucked up I say, "My name is Ayele Ishmael Hailemariam. I am an Ethiopian Amhara born and raised in Addis Ababa."

Happy If You Say So GIF
@Farah717 did one of these people lower your self esteem ?

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Being an irrational bigot must be mental illness, coz why do they pretend to know what Somalia is like despite the fact they have never been there?

Creating this warped perception in your head , doesn't make something real.

Somalia not only has nice beaches it has good air quality, low pollution and less congestion in cities due to low density and urban sprawling. So it doesn't smell bad nor does it carry such reputation.
Heal my friend, you can never hide your identity. May i never reach this level of bila dhiignimo. Also MAN UP
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