Doctor and quran teacher killed by clan militia in Galgaduud

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”

Only the best and brightest are innocently killed in Somalia while the wicked remain and multiple. A nation with 99.9% muslims but no deen in practice
It's no longer just murdering each other that's bad, it's the fact that they kill their most qualified amongst them. It's barbarism on a whole new level!


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
if i ever become president of Somalia,i will give Hg the Amhara treatment ,lock them in concentration camps untill they renounce their moryaan ways
hg are the most backward barbarians in all of somalia
if i ever become president of Somalia,i will give Hg the Amhara treatment ,lock them in concentration camps untill they renounce their moryaan ways
hg are the most backward barbarians in all of somalia
You are no better tarnishing a whole people like this. You're a barbaric animal just like these murders.

AUN to the victims.
When we as a people going to get tired of the endless bloodshed.

At some point you need to stop and form a truce.

I understand its bitter to make a truce with people who shed blood of your family but i swear its the only way things get better.

"Living for the future is more important than avenging the past."

I don't like al shabab but they are the only hope for somalia.Somalis can only be put in line by a ruthless govt like them. You won't see something like this happening in areas they control


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
The Qabiilists in this forum are silent I want you to take a good look at where this leads us and don't wonder or act shocked when the times come where lands are barren and there's no intellectuals, no order, no infrastructure, no stability, grief and sorrow everywhere and destruction and rubble is as far as the eye can see in all directions all in the name of Qabiil and wonder what went wrong. AUN to those 2 may Allah grant them Jannatul-Firdaus Ameen.

The Doctor and the Macalin Quraan were Brothers they met up at Dhuusamareeb & went on a road trip to visit their parents village. They got followed by militias and were killed on the road. May Allah ease those parents hearts, to lose both of your sons to Clannish killings is disheartening.

Pillars of the community killed by Drug Addicts.

Internet Nomad

I don't like al shabab but they are the only hope for somalia.Somalis can only be put in line by a ruthless govt like them. You won't see something like this happening in areas they control
Nigga what?!?!?

AS are backwards they would only keep us down.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Pillars of the community killed by Drug Addicts.

This is why when a high profile person gets killed they never go after the killers. The killer is always lowlife drug addict. It’s an unfair trade off. We focus on who pulled the trigger, the killer is mostly a pawn. We should follow the money, it would probably lead to a clan elder.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
some young teens arrested for it
@Abdalla was right, after a couple months these kids will be taken out of prison and sent to xamar with a paycheck for their job. They’ll start an idp racket or isbaaro and then contribute to the cycle of poverty and conflict. All of this will be provided by the clan elder who payed them for a hit job.


Forza Somalia!
@Abdalla was right, after a couple months these kids will be taken out of prison and sent to xamar with a paycheck for their job. They’ll start an idp racket or isbaaro and then contribute to the cycle of poverty and conflict. All of this will be provided by the clan elder who payed them for a hit job.
they seem not in fear.


some young teens arrested for it
This cayr fighting within themselves, yabadhaale and ayaanle. These boys are Yabadhaale. Why doesn't mahad salaad bring the two salebaan one of which a wadaad and another a businessman killed in the middle of dhuusomareeb?