Doctors and Health care Specialist, Most Useless people.

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I have a two stage water filter, one at a faucet and a fluoride filter which requires plumbing work, I used to have reverse osmosis type of filter but abandoned it because found out it wasn't good for the body.

For Vitamin D I schedule 2 holidays during the harsh winter months and sunbath extensively, the body has a great capacity to hold on to this for months and get you through, when I check my levels they go through the roof, notice how whites the moment it's sunny sun bath, but those of darker skin that need it 100x more avoid it.

The toxic air is the toughest there is no escape from this hence plans to move permanently soon once Somalia becomes more stable, I usually go up to coastal areas during the weekend breaks which helps somewhat.

As for food, strictly organic, I mostly go the vegan root with the odd grass fed steak, I also use natural deodorant of crystal sea salt none of that heavy chemical laden crap that block the very system that is supposed to cleanse you and loads you up with more toxic (double whammy, linked to breast cancer)

I have also abandoned chemical laden tooth paste/brushes in favour of Siwak and never looked back since (make sure you get the correct one, a lot of fake stuff), my teeth/gums are the best they have ever been ever since.

I do Hijama (cupping) once every 2 months to clear out the toxins and bad blood, and have Qusul Hindi (costus) daily to keep the immune system strong, I order camel milk from Holland once every two months, these are unpasteurised but expensive.

I love them for the high zinc contents, during holidays usually have fresh oysters which are the best source. All Natural nothing synthetic goes into the body.
:ohhh: this nigga woke af. sxb I was diagnosed with stomach problems before. When I moved from california to arizona to live with my cousin, we survived on bariis and paasto for years wallahi. I would eat pasto three time a day, and bariis the next day for three times a day. with canjeero and shaah and m alawax being the rest of my diet, and occasional chicken.:meleshame: I was told to abandon the whole thing and stick to legumes, meat, lots of veggies and fruits and plenty of water but I haven't been able to. I am too lazy about it.

How do you do it? where do you live?
Has your father done cupping (Hijama) before? The Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him described as a cure for all, during the nigh journey in a authentic hadith, every angel at every heaven the Prophet passed told him "tell your people to do cupping", you father needs to go to them often not just once off and find a good practitioner minimum 10 cups to start with.

read this

Qusul hindi is also mentioned side by side with cupping, use the ointment version on the areas that have the pain it has a soothing effect, acupuncture has also shown tremendous benefits against Parkinson.

Also watching the diet is utmost important for detox, get your father Yemeni Sidir Honey, they are expensive, you can find them in Islamic shops, they treat the underlying causes and the effects of a bad diet, honey in general is highly praise in the hadith/quran for it's healing properties.

Those are all your weapons to fight it effectively, there is plenty of stories people being cured just by several cupping sessions.
He did 1 hijama session, he noticed his back and neck stopped aching, I'll suggest him to do more sessions and combine with the approaches u suggest it, btw how far apart should the cupping sessions be apart
How do you do it? where do you live?

I live in London, I had no choice, suffered from the same stomach issues, mine were absolutely brutal sxb, I even had to quit work as a result of this, but I viewed it as a way of Allah taking me away from the crazy life that I lived before in Jaahiliya through this pain and also expiation of sins.

Believe me even when I was a Jaahil I understood this, and as a short term fix I would donate £1000 to some starving kids in Somalia in a orphanage to make dua's and when I feel better I would return immediately to my crazed life-style, this went on for 2 years until it no longer worked and became chronic.

This time the cure took a long time and I had to be serious about it and cut off all the major sins immediately, every time I am about to slip back, I immediately get a smack down and back off.

Qusul Hindi is your best friend for the stomach, trust me it's a miracle, also toothpaste chemicals contribute to this issue, bad diet comes third, every morning on an empty stomach have warm water with lime/honey (Manuka/Rainforest but the best is Yemeni Sidir), and twice after heavy meals warm water with qusul hindi, it restores the digestive juices in your stomach and kick starts your liver in removing the waste.

You need to give up everything that has 'wheat, grains' if you do just those things, you will see a change super quickly, be good to drop the major sins too, nothing cured me better then that, especially if your of the player variety.
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He did 1 hijama session, he noticed his back and neck stopped aching, I'll suggest him to do more sessions and combine with the approaches u suggest it, btw how far apart should the cupping sessions be apart

I am surprised he saw the improvements and stopped, after just a single session, it's crazy when you think about it, you can technically do it several times depending how quick the place heals up, but I would suggest him to do it monthly with minimum 10 cups.

Book him for Chinese Acupuncture as well, once a week and ensure he goes for long walks in the morning to get his circulation going, nothing worse then being inactive, which builds up stress/cortisol which leads to reduced/weak immunity.

I know many people cured from this, I even took my autistic cousin to Somalia for a whole year on Camel Milk, completely cured, they even did a study correlating this, even did the cupping sessions for him in Xamar once every month.
I live in London, I had no choice, suffered from the same stomach issues, mine were absolutely brutal sxb, I even had to quit work as a result of this, but I viewed it as a way of Allah taking me away from the crazy life that I lived before in Jaahiliya through this pain and also expiation of sins.

Believe me even when I was a Jaahil I understood this, and as a short term fix I would donate £1000 to some starving kids in Somalia in a orphanage to make dua's and when I feel better I would return immediately to my crazed life-style, this went on for 2 years until it no longer worked and became chronic.

This time the cure took a long time and I had to be serious about it and cut off all the major sins immediately, every time I am about to slip back, I immediately get a smack down and back off.

Qusul Hindi is your best friend for the stomach, trust me it's a miracle, also toothpaste chemicals contribute to this issue, bad diet comes third, every morning on an empty stomach have warm water with lime/honey (Manuka/Rainforest but the best is Yemeni Sidir), and twice after heavy meals warm water with qusul hindi, it restores the digestive juices in your stomach and kick starts your liver in removing the waste.

You need to give up everything that has 'wheat, grains' if you do just those things, you will see a change super quickly, be good to drop the major sins too, nothing cured me better then that.
I am going to have to because while my stomach problems arent chronic, they are random and annoying.
Thanks sxb.
I am surprised he saw the improvements and stopped, after just a single session, it's crazy when you think about it, you can technically do it several times depending how quick the place heals up, but I would suggest him to do it monthly with minimum 10 cups.

Book him for Chinese Acupuncture as well, once a week and ensure he goes for long walks in the morning to get his circulation going, nothing worse then being inactive, which builds up stress/cortisol which leads to reduced/weak immunity.

I know many people cured from this, I even took my autistic cousin to Somalia for a whole year on Camel Milk, completely cured, they even did a study correlating this, even did the cupping sessions for him in Xamar once every month.
Yea it's amazing how he seen results on just one session, but then again it was his first session, I was thinking 1 visit per month too for him for 1 year


Suldaanka Gobyare
I use

Qusul Hindi,
Moringa Leaves,
Coconut Oil,
Local Honey straight from Beekeeper,
Almond oil,
Aloe Vera,
Black Seed etc.

Can't live without it,

Any more recommendations?


My dad is currently suffering from the early stages of Parkinson's disease, all he's been prescribed is pills that soothes the symptoms, do u know any holistic approach
Unfortunately, there's no cure for Parkinson's disease yet. There are some ongoing trials and research. All a doctor can do is prescribe medications to soothe his symptoms, and the only recourse there is to find a good doctor and meds that are right for his symptoms with the least adverse effects. I really hope you're not planning on stopping treatment in favor of a camel milk and honey testimonial from some whacko on the internet and applying that to your own father.

I know it's hard.

This grand conspiracy theorist is posting about cancer research and vilifying doctors to an already superstitious audience. Meanwhile, my own father survived cancer, and its as if it never happened, thanks to the field of medicine.

Your the personification of utter drudge subservient bottom barrel slave, I am assuming your a young stupid naive girl likely < 24 that hasn't really struggled much with health issues or much else in life, hence it's easy for you to type these out of touch stories without offering much information

We are supposed to extrapolate from your fathers experience of purportedly being cured by cocktail of drugs and harmful radiation from a cancer of a type we don't know, the treatment we don't know, duration we don't know, severity we don't, what else he did we don't know etc. & the list goes on endlessly.

Unless you have suffered and spent several thousands like I had on mostly top notch private consultants to no avail for various ailments some serious, many of them being told point blank by them and DR GOOGLE 'impossible' to recover from like Asthma/Allergies to name a few, but defying the odds making full recovery.

Not to forget various other horrible stuff like Malaria/Dengue fevers in my travels, some very horrific spending a whole month in a private hospital unable to walk with clueless specialist until my own relatives flied over with prophetic medicines, the cock tail of black-seed/Qusul Hindi/Sidr Honey.

I walked the next day out of the hospital with incredible strength and vigour with a total utter loss of respect for any quickademic drug pushing doctor, the cocktails of high antibiotic doses these bastards gave me repeatedly, caused several other cascading painful side affects.

Not long ago my sister who went through a C-section were afterwards they overdosed her with Antibiotics and as a result suffered from GRD and several recurring ear infections with multiple trips to the doctors and a life of anguish/agony was cured with the same cocktails that included Garlic, a far more potent antibiotic but natural, this is after 6 months of suffering through the quickademic health systems

Every cure whatever the disease can be found in nature and it's pure, the idea that only a DRUG or a cocktail of this prescribed by a desk jocky is able to fully cure the underlying causes rather temp symptons fixes is laughable, humanity wouldn't have survived otherwise, those before us were far more healthy then we are.

Until it happens to you! you will never understand, so keep writing your bull crap, you desk-jockying, out-of-touch, quickademic charlatan.
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Somaliweyn Unionist
Obvious mental poster is not obvious. Although preventative care vs. healing care needs to be more widespread DRs don't go through 8 years of school + residency to kill people.

Edo Nene

SUGAR breasts
I suffered from a bad case of allergies for a good decade both sinusitis and chronic allergic rhinitis, even went private spending several thousands seeing various different specialist some 40 years in the field in various countries, countless extensive tests were done all showing nothing.

They only focused on treating the symptoms which made the problem worse and never the underlying causes which none of them even know about.

It got so bad one day with the swelling I finally heeded the countless advise of elders and jumped on a plane to Somali a decade ago, spent time in a village on organic nomadic diet with plenty pure unpasteurised Camel/Goat Milk and within 48 hours I fully recovered from a decade long problem never to return again.

I took a cousin with me from the village that only ever brushed his teeth with Siwak, teeth whiter then anything I have ever seen before and still continues the practice decade later in the West, he went to a dentist that was just in AWE of his teeth, after telling her he uses only siwak and never touched a tooth paste in his life, she doesn't believe a word he says.

Unless you have a broken bone or punctured lung due to serious accident, seeing such people is nothing but a waste of time

Sunnah treatments of Raw Sidir Honey, Qusul Hindi (Costus), Black Seed Oil & Cupping solves virtually all problems, particularly Qusul Hindi.

The Somali treatment of pure unadulterated unpasteurised Camel/Goat Milk and staying in the village mops up everything else.
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